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I stick my hand into the tub if M&Ms, shoving a bunch of them into my mouth. My tongue must be all kinds of different colours by now, but I don't care.

"If you eat any more of those, you'll have more chocolate in your body than water," Lena chuckles.

"That sounds perfect," I respond. "I would love to be chocolate."

"Would you?"

"It's better than being human."

"Aw, come on," she nudges me with her elbow. "Things aren't that bad. We're sitting in a fort, for Christ's sake!"

"Yeah, well, that's the only thing making me happy right now."

"And me?" she pouts. "And your snacks? And The Lumineers?"

"Okay, okay," I chuckle. "There are some positive things in life."

I've been cooped up in my room for the past two days. It's Monday, so I'm meant to have class, but we have the week off for Thanksgiving. I've barely even thought about it. Lena's tried to make plans with me, but I'm not interested.

I don't want to risk seeing Tyler. Lena keeps assuring me he isn't home, but I'm not going to take the chance. I don't even want to see his things.

Apparently, he hasn't been home since he got out of jail. I'm not sure what I expected. I don't want to see him, but I assumed he'd still be around. I thought I'd still hear him chatting with Owen in the morning, or cooking his meals, or even just the shower running. But it's been quiet. The whole apartment has been quiet.

I've seen Owen a few times, but he's been spending most of his time with Tyler. He's keeping an eye on him, making sure he's okay and doesn't do anything stupid.

It's mostly just been Lena and I. Steph was here last night, but she had to get back to her roommates. It was her idea to build this fort though. She said it would give me a place to hide from the outside world. And by that she meant Tyler.

The fort isn't anything special, but I love it. It's a blanket thrown over mine and Lena's beds as a ceiling, and a bunch of pillows tossed on the floor. The only light is coming from my laptop screen. We've been watching Pretty Little Liars from the pilot onwards.

"Caleb is so attractive," Lena says, scooping up another spoonful of ice cream.

"You think? I like Toby better."

"No way," she scoffs. "Calebs hair is so... luscious."

"Luscious?" I laugh. "It looks gross!"

"You look gross!"


"Don't insult Caleb!"

"Fine! I'm sorry!" I chuckle. "My god, you really like him, don't you?"

"Do you think our future children will watch this show?" she changes the topic.

"Probably not."

"I mean... we watch shows from our parent's generation, right? Like Golden Girls, The L Word, Friends..."

"The L Word isn't that old. It's like... early 2000s, right?"

"Shit, really?" she scowls. "I never knew that. I thought it was way older."

"Maybe it is. I could be wrong."

"Either way, I hope my kids will watch PLL."

"They'll probably have something similar then, or a remake. Like they did with 90210."

American SweetheartsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora