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"Everyone, bring it in!" Owen calls, lifting his glass up. We follow his movements, bringing our glasses up into the air. "To Lena and Steph!"

"To us!" Lena cheers.

"Yay, us!" Steph laughs.

We clank our glasses together, celebrating their new relationship. I take a sip of my drink, letting the bitter strawberry taste slip down my throat.

"Who would've thought?" Lena says. "When we first moved here, I had no idea shit would turn out like this."

"I know, right?" I laugh. "I thought things would just be the same."

"But then you met me!" Steph jokes.

"And thank god we did," Lana smiles, giving her girlfriend a kiss on the cheek.

That's right. They're official. An actual couple.

They only made it official today, during their second date. This time, they went on a hike. Lena used to drag me out on hikes back in high school, so I'm glad she has someone else to do that with now.

It's pretty quick, if you ask me, but I'm just happy Lena is happy. They suit each other well.

Hopefully being with Lena will help Steph overcome some of her trauma from her past relationship. And I'll be there for both of them if their relationships doesn't work out.

"What about me, huh?" Owen teases. "Wasn't it me who made you realise how stupid it is to stick to dating one gender?"

"That's very true," Lena nods. "But, Sarah introduced us, so credit goes to her."

"Thank you, thank you," I laugh. "It's good to see you so happy."

"I never expected this to happen," Owen says. "When you two moved in with us, I thought you'd just keep to yourselves. Especially you, Sarah."

I want to object, but it's no use. It's completely fair enough what he's saying, because I thought so, too. I never thought I'd be sitting at a college bar, drinking illegal alcohol with Lena, her girlfriend, and her brother. I didn't even think Owen and I would become friends, but we did.

"I'm glad you didn't," he continues. "It's been nice having you around."

"yeah?" Lena raises her eyebrows. "Is that what Tyler thinks, too?"

"Not at first, but he's coming around," he shoots me a knowing look.

"Is he nice?" Steph asks. "I've never really spoken to him."

"He's..." Lena hesitates. "Interesting."

"He seems like a dick, to be honest."

I almost spit out my drink. Steph and her brutal honestly never fails to amuse me.

"I don't blame you," Owen laughs. "He's a huge prick, but he's got a big heart."

I'm surprised to hear Owen say that. He's always defending Tyler, which he's trying to do now, too, but it feels weird that he called him a prick. I mean, yeah... Tyler is rude, and hostile, and intense, but it's not something you'd expect his best friend to say. At least, I wouldn't call him a prick, even if he can act like one sometimes.

"How did you two become friends?" I ask.

"We work together," he tells me.

"But I thought Tyler wasn't a trainer?"

"He isn't, but he still works at the gym," he shrugs. "I help train him."

I nod my head. He has to be an athlete of some kind. He denies it, but it's the only thing I can think of. Then again, if he's an athlete, why would he smoke and drink so much? That can't be healthy.

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