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Sorry I'm late again, guys! I've been catching up with the MCU and I finally saw Endgame... I'm shook. Don't worry, no spoilers. 

Enjoy, xx


I bring my knees up to my chest, swaying back and forth in my seat. I scratch my legs, fidgeting with my skin. I cuddle up beneath Owens jacket, placing half of it over Lena's knees, too. We've been sitting in the waiting room for over two hours now. The sun must've started coming up by now, but I wouldn't know. There are no windows here, just bright fluorescent lights and overly sterilised white tiles.

"I'm so tired," Lena yawns, resting her head against my shoulder.

"It's okay," I tell her. "Not long now."

Tyler and Owen were called in by a nurse about an hour ago. Owen hasn't texted us any updates yet, so I can only assume they've got everything under control.

Turns out, I didn't even have to wake Owen up. He was already awake, and so was Lena. My argument with Tyler was apparently a bit too loud. Once they saw the state of him, they understood. Even as we drove to the hospital, Tyler kept his shitty attitude going. He even yelled at me for offering him some water. I thought it would help him to stay hydrated, but his response was clear. 'you're not my fucking mother', he said.

I swear he can't say anything without using the f-word.

"Fuck that!" I hear him call. "I don't give a fuck!"

The door swings open, exposing a furious Tyler. He's walking by himself, without a limp. His shorts are covering up his wound, but I can't see any more blood. Owen forced him to put a shirt on before we got here, so I still can't see his tattoos, despite being in great lighting. Lena and I stand up, gathering our things. We can finally go home.

"Come on, man," Owen grumbles, following Tyler through the door.

"Fuck no!" he responds.

"Is everything alright?" I ask. "What did the doctor say?"

Tyler turns his attention to me. He marches my way, glaring down at me. Shit. This is bad.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" he yells. "You think you're fucking funny?"

"What? I don't know what you-"

"I don't give a shit about your bullshit excuses!"

"Tyler!" Owen calls, pulling his friend backwards. "There are other people here."

Tyler tugs his arm free, leaving the emergency room in a huff. What the hell is his problem now?

By the time we make it outside, Tyler has lit a cigarette. He's pacing back and forth, but he stops as soon as he sees me. Of all the times I've seen him angry, right now, is the worst. And his fury, is aimed at me.

"Tyler..." I begin. "What's going on?"

"You're fucking insane!" he spits at me.

"I don't- What do you mean?"

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about!"

"You act like you give a shit but you clearly don't! You're just a fucking cunt!"

A... cunt? My face drops. I haven't done anything bad to him, but he thinks I have. His words don't anger me, but they hurt. I can feel them in my stomach. Why does he have to be so cruel?

"Tyler..." I mumble. "Can you just talk to me normally, please?"

"I swear to fucking god, you have everybody fooled but me!" he responds.

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