🌿 part two; accepted 🌿

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imallexx: morning hayley

this is exceptionally early for me to be up you know

pengtinghayley:  wtf it's 9 how is that early

i've been up an hour

imallexx: i'm a youtuber hayley, our sleep schedules are non-existent

anyway, are you taking the offer ?

you don't have to move in. just a look around our flat

pengtinghayley: yeah i thought about it and i'd love to look around x

who do you live with btw? you said you had a roomate with anxiety

imallexx: don't want to drop any names but

two other guys, one's pretty energetic but not terrifying and the one with anxiety's shy so he shouldn't bother you either

no big names or anything just want to respect their privacy in case you don't move in

pengtinghayley: fair enough

i'm moving tomorrow. meet you on saturday afternoon?

imallexx: yeah 1 oclock works for me

my address is *x*x*x*

see you then?

pengtinghayley: see you then. x

eek i'm in a super writey mood right now so it's a triple update from me, more coming

my grandparents are over rn and for some reason they're clearing the dishwasher like why

my grandma is watching brooklyn 99 with my little bro and she occasionally laughs but she's very confused lmao, she describes it as "police officers from brooklyn who won't take responsibility and other things"

what do you think so far? xx

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