☞ part 22 ; ???? ☞

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a/n: i'm addicted to dani cohn's shit song 'no way'

it's hit or miss all fucking over again


save me

george couldn't sleep that night.

alex had forced him to go to bed at 9 - "you look fucking exhausted george, get some sleep" - but for the first four hours he just lay there. hayley was still out cold even after being moved to the sofa. alex was just finished editing (on tuesday nights he always stayed up late) and will had fallen asleep in his desk chair, but george was tossing underneath his covers and desperately trying to shove the intrusive thoughts out of his mind.

of course, when sleep did come, it was horrific.

he dreamt of a forest at twilight with a path of pearls leading through it. he followed the pearls and came across a lavish wedding. hayley's wedding. 

hayley, in a stunning lace wedding dress, beaming and linked hands with faceless woman named ella who was much more beautiful and smart and interesting and perfect than he'd ever be.

and will was there too - as soon as the ceremony ended he came bounding over to george, a tall blonde girl at his side. he introduces her as his fiancé and says "you'll be coming to our wedding too, right?" george smiles and nods and congratulates them on their engagement. what else could he do? he could hide his pain all he wants, but that's two gone in one night. gone forever.

so he watched hayley slow dance with her wife and will with his girlfriend as he stood at the sidelines, alone.

he bolts awake, sweat streaming down his forehead. it's two in the morning but he couldn't care less. 

he's just glad the dream is over.

lol i'm so edgy

edit: i'M nOT lIkE oThEr gIRls

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