Chapter Ten - Part One

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Chapter Ten: A Rude Interruption - Part One 

Evan's entire body had tensed. He gripped his broadsword, squeezing his tension into the steel handle.

A surge of hot energy rippled through him, tingling his skin. A familiar throbbing sensation pounded in his head–a darkness he had denied for some time. In any other circumstance it would have caused him concern, but right now, for the first time, he felt like embracing the dark energy.

He measured the merchant, and the adlaz with him. The reptile men wore sleeveless vests and brown trousers with heavy boots. They were taller and broader in the shoulder than the adlaz species he knew back home, but they shared a similar scaled skin and rounded heads on long necks. He cared not for whatever their species were on this planet.

The tallest adlaz carried a long metal staff. Beside him, a green-skinned one carried a large wooden hammer with a long handle. The smallest adlaz, still clearly over seven feet, carried a curved longsword.

"Apologies for the interruption," the merchant said, his smooth voice feigning politeness. "I thought we could join you fellas. Sparring, are we?"

"We have no business with you," Sam told him. Though his voice and expression were neutral, Evan could see the tension in his posture.

The confident man shrugged as he stepped closer, raising his golden sceptre with the gesture. Glistening rubies lined the curved top of the sceptre, with a large pointed emerald on the tip. The wide top bent into the thinner curved handle, giving it a slight S-shaped form.

"Aye, you're right there, friend," the merchant agreed, coming to a stop. "But I have business with you."

One of the adlaz snarled. His wide nostrils reminded Evan of a serpent, as did his multi-hued eye slits.

The merchant gestured to Evan. "I don't want no trouble. Just want your little friend there."

Evan tensed. He had sensed the man's desires in the tavern, although he did not realise the full extent of his determination.

Evan's father had always seen the best in people–it was what Evan admired about him the most when he was growing up. King Goodheart's assurances that narrow-minded folk were just misinformed and ignorant had lowered Evan's guard earlier, but he would not make that mistake again.

In this case, dear Father, your teachings have proved false, Evan thought solemnly. An enemy stood before him. One who wanted to enslave Evan.

Sam took a step forward. "Don't know how it works where you're from, but around here you can't just take someone you want."

The merchant nodded, twisting his mouth thoughtfully. "Perhaps I didn't introduce myself properly earlier. The name's Audlin Yalsune, as I mentioned. A merchant of exotic wares... is my way of saying that I'm a hunter. Been through just about every crevice and darkened cavern around the whole of Medropon, have I. Come across many intriguing trinkets. Take this one, for example."

He raised the golden sceptre. "Found in the skeletal hands of an ancient Tol Sehjaavi demon. One of them Anointed ones. Unless you wanna see what kind of tricks this fella can do, I'd suggest you do as I tell you."

Sam remained standing still, watching the man closely. No one spoke for a moment.

"You know," Audlin said, his stance relaxing. "I never did finish my story. You see, after my mamma was killed, it was just me and my papa."

"You killed him," Evan cut in, watching him closely. "And you vowed never to let anyone get in the way of what you wanted."

The hunter stared at him. "Good guess."

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