Chapter Thirty Two - Part One

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Chapter Thirty Two: Back In Training - Part One

James had only been in the underground training chamber a few hours earlier, but it felt like a lot had happened since then. Despite his earlier weariness of the day's events, he felt a renewed vigor at the prospect of training again. To push himself in a safe environment where he couldn't get himself killed by jumping off a building or have bullets flying by his head.

Liana studied the rectangular device in her hands as she stepped into the hanger. It looked to James like a bulky pair of binoculars, but instead of lenses, the glass on the end was a scanner. She had picked up the Switch Detector from a storage room on their way down.

"It's dead," she said to him. "Not surprising, as it hasn't been used in some time. I almost forgot we had one. Don't worry though; I'll set it charging now."

"Thanks," James said, still apprehensive about what results the device would give him.

Liana entered the control booth and flicked a few switches, and then attached the Switch Detector to a cable. "We'll need a few minutes at least until it has enough juice to work. So we can get you back on the Grid in the meantime."

James stretched his arms and neck, readying himself for the training. He cast a look at the tall towers and interlocking beams over the rest of the area. He could see now, the idea of swinging with a grapple hook between the beams, and jumping to each tower. The thought gave him a chill that was both uneasy and thrilling.

"We'll get you on the towers next," Liana said, watching him. "For now I want you to work on your movement. Get your basic agility locked down. "

"Bring it on," he said, trying to sound confident.

She smiled. "You have a lot of drive, James. That's good. Even given everything you've gone through today."

"You know," James said, "I feel more alive than ever." He paused, wanting to tell her it was because he was in her company. Then realised what a ridiculous and inappropriate thing that would be to say. "I thought I was tired but, I'm actually eager for more. I don't quite know how to put it, but... I feel like doing something."

"Great." She finished pressing a few buttons from within the booth. Faint blue lights came alive and highlighted the grid floor by James. "Now last time," she said as she came over to him, "we tried a five second timer, which was no problem for you."

"And the four second timer was fine," James said. "Apart from a little stumble."

"Right, you did well with the four second timer too. Now I've set it to three-point-five seconds. And, this time I want you with your sword."

"Ok then," James said. "You might as well make it an even three seconds."

Liana lowered an eyebrow and smirked. "The difference in half a second can be greater than you think."

"I may fail miserably," James said, shrugging, "but I'd like to give it a go and see how I do. Now I know what to expect with the Grid."

"Very well. If you fall in any sort of funny way, I can't promise I won't laugh." She re-entered the booth and tapped a few more buttons.

James studied the floor grid and thought of what could be achieved on there, and of all the great soldiers that had likely trained on it. The low hum of the live grid called to him. Challenged him.

Liana beamed when she returned to him. "Ready, soldier?"

James nodded. He gripped his sword in his hand. His knife and grapple hook remained on his belt, and he still insisted on wearing his toughlets. It was just him and the grid now.

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