Post-mortem Questions

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Hi everyone! If you've reached this far, you've finished reading Island Legends: Echoes of the Past (or you were curious enough to just take a look at this chapter).

For those who have finished the story, I'd LOVE to hear what you thought. Please feel free to take a look over the following questions and add your comments to anything that feels relevant.

As you may know, feedback is by far the most important thing for a writer. More important than votes or simple 'This is cool' comments. Those are all great, but constructive feedback is what helps more than anything else.

Please be honest, too. If you didn't like something, it's okay to share that. And if you loved anything in particular that would be great to hear.


1. What did you think of the character of James Island? Did your opinion of him change by the end? Anything you hated or loved about him?

2. What did you think of the character of Evan Goodheart? Did your opinion of him change by the end? Anything you hated or loved about him?

3. What did you think of the character of Sam Hawkings? Did your opinion of him change by the end? Anything you hated or loved about him?

4. How was the overall story for you? Did it feel too slow? Too detailed? Too complicated? Anything very unclear that you feel wasn't addressed and should have been addressed? Any plot holes? Anything you loved?

5. If you could suggest one thing for improvement in the re-writes, what would that be?

6. Did you have a favourite scene or element; something you'd like to see more of in general?

7. Thoughts on where the story is going and what you'd like to see in the next book?

8. Any particular issues with the writing, grammar etc.?

Thank you!

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