Chapter Twenty Four - Part One

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Chapter Twenty Four: A Lot To Learn - Part One 

Evan gripped the golden sceptre tightly as the Oneron soldier led him farther into the compound. His guide, Andeo, had asked if Evan would like to leave his sword somewhere safe while in the outpost, and Evan had politely refused. While his father's broadsword was overly large and cumbersome for Evan's small size, he would not part with it for anything.

He had no real reason to mistrust these Oneron so far; they had seemed honest and hospitable – even the faint glimpses of their auras that Evan had picked up seemed to indicate no ill will against them. Secrets and guarded information, of course, but that was expected for a military outpost like this.

Nonetheless, he felt his shoulders tense as they came to their destination. Strong citrus and floral fragrances came from beyond the double doors, along with distinct woody, rustic smells. His immediate reaction was that they were about to enter another realm altogether, for surely those scents would not be found in a place like this.

The doors opened to a circular room with a domed, glass roof that streamed in the hot sunlight. Rows of tables were laid out which held plants and flowers of various nature, most of which foreign to Evan. Two small trees were on either side of the room, gnarled and twisted, reaching the glass roof.

Evan relaxed a little at seeing the rows of flora and allowed the myriad of scents to bombard him. He felt soothed even, somewhat reminded of the summers back home. He had never expected to sense anything on this desert planet that so strongly resembled his homeland.

"Welcome," said a young, cheery voice.

Evan had missed her earlier, but now saw a figure standing between the tables, partially hidden by the tall plants. She was younger than the other humans he had seen here so far, perhaps what they called a teenager, although it was hard for him to tell their ages, especially for Oneron who lived longer than a normal human.

The wavy hair lining her round face was black with a green sheen. Her large eyes gleamed as she looked up at them and smiled.

"Lady Melida," said Andeo. "Captain Liana wanted you to meet a guest of ours."

"Oh, really?" Melida said, raising her brows. She placed a tray on the table and came over to them. The tray held a few circular glass dishes with snippets of petals and stalks in them, along with a bulbous glass beaker. Evan had seem similar items in apothecary stores.

Melida wiped her hands as she came to them, her long purple robes swaying softly with her steps. She had a small frame, although was still a good foot taller than Evan.

Andeo gestured to the both of them. "Melida Serra, this is Evan Goodheart, a companion of General Sam Hawkings."

"Pleased to meet you," Melida said. Her skin had a pale reddish-hue, although not as strong as the local Canarrian's tones. "I'd shake your hand but they're a bit messy right now." She paused, her expression freezing. With no coloured splashes showing over her at that moment, Evan wondered what she was thinking.

"Thank you, Andy," she said, looking up at the soldier. "I'll look after our guest."

Andeo nodded and swiftly left the room, closing the double doors behind him.

"What is it you are doing here?" Evan asked, looking over the room.

Melida held her pleasant expression for a moment longer, almost becoming pensive, before she nodded behind her. "Come, let me show you."

He followed her around a table to where she had placed her tray. The plants and flower scents continued to bombard him, and he was comforted by their familiarity. The Voarn had a far greater range of senses than humans, but he was now sure that they also exceeded the senses of Oneron also, for there was surely no way Melida could stand to be in this room for any extended periods of time.

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