Chapter Nineteen- Part One

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Chapter Nineteen: Inner Demons - Part One 

A grey mist whirled within a black expanse. Through the shifting clouds, indistinct shapes began to form. Images that Evan soon recognised.

The broad, powerful features of his father, King Alden Goodheart, wavered in the expanse. His heavy brows were furrowed, thin mouth upturned in a frown–the way he looked when his thoughts troubled him. The mists shifted to reveal Evan's mother, Leolen, who also held a grave look of concern. Her soft cheeks were flushed, tilted eyes wide with an unseen fear. Several other faces appeared in the swirling mist, some clearer than others, some so distorted that Evan could not recognise them.

Though he could not feel his body–not see any physical part of himself–he felt a deep longing swell up within him when he saw Reisa's peaceful face.

The clouds parted to reveal a marbled courtyard lined with plants and flowers. Two square pools of water were on either side of the main path, a statue of an old hero erected in the centre of each pool. A younger Evan was at his father's side, having come from visiting Reisa's sickbed. Once again, Evan was pleading with his father to teach him how to wield sorcery, even though he was still a year away from the legal age of practising the arts. If Evan had known how to fight with sorcery, he would have been able to protect Reisa at Moon Bay, several days earlier. He was sure of it.

As it happened, despite his initial protests, his father had listened to him.

A tall, thin man appeared in the yard that day. He wore a wide-brimmed hat and a high collared black and purple cloak that covered his body. Evan was afraid of the strange man at first, but his father introduced him as an old friend, Albian Feloria. He had asked Albian to teach Evan the ways of sorcery and magical arts. Evan was so elated that he shook with excitement.

And so began his sorcerous studies, a secret he would keep from his friends and the outside world for a year before he became of legal age. It did not occur to Evan at the time how much his father had abused his power to break the law, in order to please his only son.

A heavy mist gathered again, wiping away the scene.

Though he did not know why he was seeing these images, Evan understood that his meeting with Albian Feloria was a turning point in his life. An event that introduced sorcery into his world. Into his body and mind. It was also the start of the end of his friendship with Reisa, beginning a life without her.

The Glow is a part of you.

Albian's words echoed around him as solid objects became visible through the dissipating mist.

Glistening rock walls covered the gloomy environment Evan now found himself in. He was back in his physical body, standing in the dark cave. Rocky pillars spread along the room in endless rows and columns, reaching into darkness after several yards all around him. A heavy ooze dripped from the jagged stalactites on the low ceiling.

"Where am I?" Evan said aloud, testing his voice. It sounded dull, muted, but also echoed softly.

He carefully stepped forward, aware that his father's sword was no longer on his back. He noticed that the moist rock on the pillars and walls appeared to move, slowly shifting downwards. He ran a finger over a pillar and found the rock was soft and wet, like thick mucus.

He considered his situation. The last thing he remembered was battling the huntsman, Audlin, and a stabbing pain in his neck. He didn't think he had been killed, as the huntsman surely wanted him alive when he sold him into slavery. His real body, still in Toolin, must be unconscious. So that meant he just had to figure out how to escape this dark world and return to help his companions.

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