Chapter Forty Five

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Chapter Forty Five: Making Plans

Later that night, James walked through the corridors of the outpost on weak legs. His head felt heavy and his muscles ached, but he had found enough strength in him to walk, having grown restless in his sickbed. He came into the study and saw Liana, Jorak and Den there.

James still couldn't believe he was alive. If that great, dark explosion hadn't killed him, then he should have surely bled to death from his injuries. But he was very glad to see those familiar faces once again.

"Good to see you up, son," Jorak said. He came away from the small bar area and handed James a glass with something dark inside. "Whiskey-infused Sagka," he added with a wink. "Best thing for you."

As James took the drink with a quiet thanks, he looked over his bare forearms. He saw the breaking of his toughlets as a sign for him to finally leave his old life behind. He was no longer an employee of Rimas Complete; no longer in construction. But then, he realised, he hadn't thought of himself in that way for a long while now. He had always been an Oneron soldier. He just had to remember that.

"Evan?" James asked, finding his voice hoarse.

"He's with Melida," Liana said. She stepped closer with her tablet resting in both hands in front of her. "He'll be leaving with the Avancheon ship that'll be arriving tomorrow."

"He's really leaving?" James asked. He knew this moment would come eventually, but it was hard to accept that Evan was leaving the planet and going back home. James had only known him for less than a week, but after everything they had been through together, in a way, Evan was perhaps the closest person to him.

"He is," Liana said, looking forlorn as she gave him a sad smile.

James wished he could have done more to help Evan with his homeland struggles, but he understood now he was not the man to help him. He still wondered if the Light Gods had really meant to name him as Evan's saviour. A thought struck him as he settled onto a large sofa chair.

The vision of the Dark Sorcerer had come from a blinding white light. Maybe that could have been the same kind of light from the Light Gods. Had those gods somehow sent James that vision of the Dark Sorcerer and that hellish world? Had they connected him with the Dark Sorcerer? His head hurt too much to think clearly on anything.

As Jorak sat beside Den and engaged him in a quiet conversation, Liana came over to James and sat on the large armrest of his chair. Her long hair hung loose down her shoulders, framing her face, and he caught a flowery scent as she settled beside him. As stunning as she was, James couldn't help but feel something was different now. He had seen another side of Liana after she'd revealed he and Sam had been friends before. He couldn't place his unease, but he knew he didn't feel as close to her anymore. Or didn't want to be close to her. She'd been lying to him along with everyone else, and he couldn't trust her so much now, even if a part of him still wanted to.

"You should be in bed," she told him.

"I'm fine. Feeling better already."

"Well, you still look like hell. But it's good to see you up." She looked away as she paused, looking somewhat troubled, and then turned back to him. "If you need anything... I mean, if there's anything you want to talk about; about your old life, anything at all, I want you to know you can come to me at any time. Sam has decided that he'll tell you everything. And I want to also. And, we can train together again whenever you're ready for it. You're a good student."

James gave her a small smile. Even with his apprehensions, he was glad to have her in his life. She could teach him a lot about being a soldier. And despite his doubts about trusting her, he felt she had a good heart.

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