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Group 1 - These are the sporty kids - Football, baseball, soccer, dance, etc.


He is seventeen years old, male, and gay but he isn't out to anyone -- not even his friends. He has short black hair and brown eyes that always show his emotions. He has known he is gay most of his life, but has been to scared to tell anyone.


He is seventeen years old, male, and straight but accepting towards the lgbt community. He has medium-length wavy black hair and kind brown eyes. He likes to wear earrings and necklaces, but also loves hoodies and sweatpants.


She is sixteen years old, female, and straight but accepting towards the lgbt community. She has long straight dirty blonde hair and dark green eyes. She has a slightly judgmental face but is one of the nicest people you will meet.

Group 2 - These are the nerdy kids - Booksmart, band geek, tech nerd, etc.


He is sixteen years old, male, and gay but only out to his small group of friends. He has curly medium-length black hair and brown eyes. He is friends with two very social people but he prefers to be in the background without a lot of attention on him.


She is fifteen years old, female, and gay and she is very open about it. She has chin-length wavy black hair with bangs that cover her forehead, and dark brown eyes. She is very social and loves talking to all sorts of different people.


He is sixteen years old, male, and gay and openly out. He has medium-length messy white hair that he dyes often, and grey eyes. He is very outgoing and loves piercings, he has his ears pierced and has a nose ring and wants to get an eyebrow piercing next.


Here's a little concept thing cause my description is literally the worst.

Jack, Alice, and Lucas are a very small, close-knit group. Alice enjoys talking to lots of people, Jack can talk to people well if he is in the mood, and Lucas considers himself very socially awkward, but he still tries... sometimes. 

Sara, Ricky, and Ash are also a small and close group, but they are all pretty well-known at the school -- besides Ash, who likes to keep in the background. 

Now that I've explained the groups, I'll explain the concept of the story. 

These kids are at a boarding school that is grades 8-12. Every week they organize parties for all of the other kids to go if they want to. No alcohol though because some of them are young and where would they get it? They are surrounded by teachers.

These parties are just for kids to get away from the stress of school for a night and have fun and let loose. There are games and music and dancing and anything else anyone can think to include that week.

Lucas, not being very big on social situations never wants to go to the parties but Alice always makes him because "How else are you supposed to get over your awkwardness?" And naturally, Jack goes with them.

The same goes for the other group. Ash doesn't really want to go but he agrees when Sara asks him, and Ricky goes because he also loves socializing.

The main reason Lucas and Ash don't want to go is that they're worried about getting outed but how can they refuse their friends? And a chance to stare at cute boys? ;)

-- I am going back and editing the story now :)

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