Ch. 3

46 2 2

Lucas' POV

"Lucas, get your ass outta bed."

I groaned and covered my head with my blanket. Only to have it be ripped off of me one second later.

"What the fuck?"

"It's literally two in the afternoon. Why are you still in bed?"

I could practically feel the accusing look Alice sent to the back of my head.

"I didn't feel good last night."

"Do you feel better now?"

"I guess..."

"Good," something light was thrown on me, "You have ten minutes to get up and ready and I'm taking you and Jack out to eat then we'll go to the party."

Before I could argue with her, she walked out of the room. 

I groaned one final time before putting on the black t-shirt, white hoodie, and black jeans she threw on me. I quickly did my hair and brushed my teeth, put my shoes on, and walked out of the room to be greeted by Jack and a very cheery Alice.

I rolled my eyes, "You're too peppy."

She fake glared at me for a second before talking, "I'm excited. I don't know why you hate it so much, but I like the new Saturday party tradition in this school. It's a welcome distraction from classes for a little bit."

I shrugged, "I'm fine just lying in my room hanging out with you two or on my phone."

Jack laughed, "Ditto."

"Whatever, come on. Let's eat."

Our eyes lit up at the mention of food and we gladly followed her down the hall.


"You know the drill guys and gals, game time!"

I rolled my eyes but started walking over to where the guy was and sat down, waiting for Alice and Jack to sit next to me. Except they obviously disowned me because Alice was sitting with her cheerleading friends and Jack was with a random group of guys, I think seniors. Instead, Ash and his friends sat down next to me.

I smiled at them, "Hey."

They all smiled and said hi back and Ash looked around, "Get ditched by your friends again?"

I laughed and waved my hand, "Yeah but it's fine. Hey, I've been meaning to ask could I have your number?"

His face went a little red, I noticed, but he nodded, "Give me your phone."

I opened my phone and got it to my contacts and handed it to him. He put in his number and name and texted himself.

He handed it back to me, "So now I have your number too."

I smiled, "Thanks."

"Okay, y'all. What game do you wanna start with?"

It was silent for a minute before someone shouted, "Truth or dare!" and people murmured their agreements.

"Ok, let me get a bottle and we can get this show on the road."


I couldn't stop laughing. This dude was dared to go up to a random person and start singing a song to them and he went up to this girl and started screaming Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and chased her as she tried to run away from him. I felt bad for her but that was probably the funniest thing I had seen to date. He came back with a red face, either from the singing so much, all of the running he did, or embarrassment but he was smiling a little and he spun the bottle.

It spun and landed on Ash next to me, "Truth or dare?"

He shrugged, "Dare."

The guy thought for a minute and looked at Alice and smirked, "I dare you to kiss Alice on the lips."

Alice looked shocked for a second but then shrugged, she had been dared to do worse and he didn't specify what type of kiss. But Ash froze for a split second. It wasn't entirely noticeable but because I was right next to him, I saw it. After that half-second passed, he let out a breath and got up to go over to Alice. Once in front of her, he sat there for a second, they said some words to each other, but I didn't know what, and then he leaned in and pecked her on the lips. 

Never have I ever envied someone more... 

Just to be clear: I envied Alice. I loved her but I did not want to kiss her. Ash, on the other hand...

While I was zoned out and super jealous, Ash came back and spun the bottle and dared another person to do something. I heard laughter but I was so zoned out.

He elbowed me lightly a few minutes later, "You okay?"

I internally shook my head and looked at him, accidentally glanced at his lips and slightly blushed, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired."

He nodded but didn't look like he believed me. Thank God the bottle spun around and landed on him again though, so his attention was taken away from me.


The girl smiled, "I dare you to lay with your head in that boy's lap until you get spun again."

He pointed to his sides, "Which boy?"

On his other side, Ricky was there.

"The boy you were just talking to."

I pointed to myself, and she laughed and nodded.

God either loved me or hated me... I couldn't decide which at the moment.

"Um... ok. I will after I spin."

The girl nodded, showing that that was okay, and he spun and gave another girl a truth and after she answered, everyone was staring at us to see us get into position.

"Um, you should scoot back a little."

I nodded and scooted back with my legs out, so my knees were next to his (and the guy's next to me) hips. He then scooted forward and laid down. And put his head on my right thigh.

The girl shook her head, "Your head needs to be fully on his lap."

He sighed and scooted up again, so the top of his head was on my left thigh and the bottom of it was on my right. She smiled triumphantly and the girl that Ash gave a truth to finally spun.

He poked my hand, and I looked down at him.

"Sorry if this is awkward," he whispered.

I shrugged, "It's fine."

He smiled a little and his face went a little pink. How was he so cute?

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