Ch. 1

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Lucas' POV

"Why are we doing this again?" I asked.

"Because you two are so antisocial and this will get you talking to more people and who knows, maybe find you guys girlfriends."

I rolled my eyes while Jack shrugged, "As long as no creeps make me like strip or some shit."

I laughed, "Nah that'd be hilarious, especially if they make you run into the teacher's lounge in your boxers."

"Ha ha ha," Jack mock laughed while shoving me, "I'd make you do it with me."


We both looked at Alice who was looking through our closet -- Jack and I were roommates -- trying to find us 'acceptable attire' as she put it.

"There will be no stripping, I don't think. But either way, you don't have to. This is just something fun to do to get you, hermits, out in the open."

I, once again, rolled my eyes and plopped face first in my bed, "Wake me up when she's come to her senses, man."

Jack laughed but Alice threw a hangar at me, I didn't move.

Five minutes later, a pile of clothes was thrown on me and I heard the door open and close and then felt a smack on the back of my head, "Get changed, you know Alice won't let you get out of this."

I groaned and sat up to look at the clothes Alice chose for me. It was literally blue jeans and a hoodie, which was what I usually wore. That girl made no sense... that or she gave up trying to find nice clothes in our closet.


"I already hate this."

After we got changed, Alice dragged us to the performance hall for the party. Well... she dragged me. Jack was cooperating. There were so many people there and I was so awkward around people, so it was an all-around awful environment for me.

"Oh, stop being a baby, you're fine. Go on, socialize!"

I groaned and walked over to where I saw drinks and snacks on a table. We may have been at a boarding school, but I still didn't trust those kids at all so decided to stay away from the food and I grabbed a Pepsi that didn't look like it was tampered with. While there, I noticed a boy standing there sipping on a Sprite, people watching.

Alice told me to socialize. I might as well make an attempt.

I walked over to him, "Hey."

He turned towards me, and he smiled a little, "Hey."

Damn, he was cute. He had dark brown curly hair, brown eyes, tan skin, and he was wearing a bright red hoodie and black jeans. He was slightly shorter than I was, and he had a shy quiet boy look about him and it made him seem so much more adorable.

I blushed a little, feeling like I was staring, "I'm Lucas."

"I'm Ash, nice to meet you."

He held his hand out to me, and I shook it. His hand was soft.

"Were you dragged to this party too?"

He laughed a little, "Yeah."

I nodded, "Same. My friend said I need to socialize more so she ignored my complaining. I'm not a huge fan of crowds."

"Me too, I prefer smaller groups of people."

"What grade are you in?"

"I'm a sophomore, you?"


He raised his eyebrows, "Really? I expected you to say you're a senior."

I laughed, "Why?"

"I don't know, you look mature like a senior. Even though most seniors are the opposite of mature."

I shrugged, "True. No one's ever told me I look older for my age though, so thanks."

He smiled, "No problem."

"Hey listen up people! We're starting games so anyone who wants to play, come over here and join the circle!"

"Are you going to join?"

I looked over at Ash from the guy who was just talking, and I shrugged, "Probably not."

"What a shame, I was going to ask if you wanted to come sit next to me in the circle," he said in a kind of hinting voice as he walked away.

I rolled my eyes and ran up to catch him, "Fine I'll play."

He laughed, "Good."

Alice came over to me and patted my back, "Good you got out of your antisocial shell," which made me roll my eyes, but she chose to ignore me and look at Ash, "Hi, I'm Alice. I'm Lucas' friend. And you are?"

He waved a little, "I'm Asher."

"Ooh, I like that name. You guys excited for the games?"

"No." "Yeah." Ash and I said in unison which made me laugh till Alice smacked my arm.

"You'll have fun, just you wait."

I nodded sarcastically at her, "Sure I will."

"If I can have everyone's attention, I'll explain how we're going to do this. The first game we'll play is truth or dare, but because not everyone knows everyone else, we'll spin a bottle to choose who gets picked on next. Sound good?" A bunch of people 'whooped' but I just stayed silent, "Alright. Who wants to start?"

Some freshman raised his hand and spun the bottle in the center of the circle. Hilariously, it landed on Jack.

He groaned and the kid just looked at him, "Truth or dare?"

He thought for a minute, and I knew what he was contemplating. He didn't want a freshman giving him a dare because it could be either really stupid or unbelievably bad. But I knew he didn't want to start the game off with a truth. I was curious what he was going to choose.

Finally, he rolled his eyes, "Dare."

The kid thought for a minute and came up with a dare that I want to give him a high-five for, "Strip to your boxers and run through that group of girls over there."

He pointed and a decent amount of people looked, and all the seniors burst out in laughter so I can only assume those were the popular girls of their grade. I also assumed that because they were dressed like thots, but I mean...

He groaned but stood up and did it, nonetheless. And the expression on the girls' faces when he ran literally through their group was fucking priceless. When he came back, his face was bright red, but he was laughing along with everyone else because he was a good sport.

Maybe it was worth it to go to this party.

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