Ch. 8

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Ash's POV

Jack spun and it landed in the middle of Lucas and me.

He looked up, "What do I do?"

The guy kind of in charge shrugged, "Just choose one of them to ask."

He nodded and smirked while looking at Lucas, "Truth or dare, Lukey?"

He looked really nervous while he was thinking, "Dare."

His smirk turned into a smile, "I dare you to walk around the circle twice and then walk around again to your crush and give them a back hug."

That's why he was so nervous...

A bunch of people murmured questions as to why Jack said 'them' instead of 'her' and I wanted to yell at them to shut up, but I didn't want that kind of attention on me.

Lucas nodded and stood up, starting a very slow two laps around the group.

My heart was beating so fast. I wondered who he was going to hug. I really wanted it to be me but there was little chance of that. Even though Ricky and Sara kept telling me that he liked me back, I didn't think he did.

As he got half-way through his last lap, we made eye contact, and I gave him a small smile. For some reason, that made him look more nervous, but he smiled back. 

He got close to me, so I closed my eyes, scared he'd stop at a guy next to me and I'd start crying. But then I felt arms around me which made me stiffen and my breath got caught in my throat. 

Was I dreaming?

I heard a bunch of gasps, and I opened my eyes and looked at the arms around me and sure enough, it was him. I stayed still too long; he began to pull away but I didn't want him to, so I turned around in his loose arms and wrapped mine around his waist to keep him there. This time he froze but then hugged me back and I felt him kiss my head, his lips forming a smile.

"Can we go somewhere else?" I mumbled into his neck.

He nodded and helped me up then led me away. I felt eyes on us until I heard Jack and Ricky yell at everyone to give us privacy. That made me laugh a little.

We walked for a while -- never letting go of each other -- before I recognized we were in the dorms, and he took out a key, so we were going into his room. God, my heart was beating so fast. 

Once we got inside and he closed the door, he sat us down on his bed and I could tell he was about to say something, but I didn't want to stop holding him.

"We should talk about this."

I squeezed him lightly, "Do I have to let you go?"

He laughed a little, "No, but could you lift your head so I can see you?"

I nodded and moved my head from where it was tucked in between his shoulder and neck, to where I could see his eyes. God, I could have stared into his eyes forever.

We sat there for a minute just staring at each other before he shook his head a little to focus, "Um, so... the cat's out of the bag. I like you... like a lot, Ash. It's crazy how fast I fell for everything about you. You're so sweet and kind and adorable. And I'm sorry, I'm babbling."

I laughed a little and moved my hand to play with the hair on the back of his head, "You're cute when you're nervous."

He smiled and closed his eyes for a few seconds, enjoying me playing with his hair, but then reopened them and looked at me again, "So... you like me too?"

I smiled widely and nodded, "Of course! You're literally perfect, I'd be crazy not to like you."

He wrapped both of his arms around me and I wrapped my arms more securely around him in response, "Will you be my boyfriend, Ash?"


We stayed like that for a long time. Just loving being close to each other. I could have stayed hugging him forever... I felt so safe and warm in his arms. After a while though, sadly, it got late, and I had to leave eventually. We finally pulled away when we heard movement out in the hallway, signaling everyone was coming back from the party.

"Where's your dorm? I'll walk you there."

I smiled, "It's not far, you don't have to do that."

He stood up and held his hand out to me, looking at me with a playful expression, "Too bad."

I rolled my eyes but grabbed his hand and stood up, "Fine, you win."

He smiled victoriously which made me laugh a little before I led him out of his room and to mine. We actually stayed in the same building but I was on the top floor while he was on the second. And my room didn't seem as big as his and Jack's.

When we got in front of my door, he pouted, "I don't want to leave you."

I smiled adoringly at him, "It's only for a little bit. We can see each other tomorrow."

He smiled brightly, "Ok! Are you free for lunch? I can come pick you up."

I laughed, "Yes, I am free but I'll pick you up. I won't make you come all the way up here just to go back down right away."

"Alright. Well, I should probably get back. Good night."

I smiled and kissed his cheek, "Good night."

His cheeks tinted pink but he smiled widely and nodded as he slowly turned and walked down the hall to the elevators.

He was so cute.

Lucas' POV

As soon as I walked into my room after walking Ash to his room, I was met with Jack and Alice smiling like goofballs at me. Correction. Jack was doing a mix of a smirk and a smile, while Alice was smiling like a goofball.

I closed the door behind me and Alice got up, squealing, "I told you it'd go good!"

I rolled my eyes but my face heated up which blew my cover, "Whatever. How do you know he didn't reject me when we got away from the crowd?"

Jack scoffed, "You don't think people saw you being all lovey-dovey in front of his room and took pictures to spread?"

I groaned, "Really?"

Alice rolled her eyes, "He's overexaggerating but we did get some pictures from a few people. It's okay though!"

I shrugged and plopped on my bed, finally letting my love-struck smile appear, "I'm happy."

Jack smiled at me, "You made him yours?"

I nodded.

"Aw! So cute!"

Alice stayed in our room for a few minutes longer, trying to get the details out of me on how things went after we left. I told her vaguely what happened. I wanted to keep the better details between me and Ash. After she got bored, she said good night and left. Shortly after, Jack took a shower and I fell asleep while he was in there. A big smile on my face as I played back the night in my head.

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