Ch. 7

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Lucas' POV

I decided to tell them. Yup. I was going to tell Jack and Alice that I was gay and basically madly in love with Asher... I was so scared.

I had just texted them to meet me in mine and Jack's room after sixth period. That was in ten minutes. How was one supposed to mentally prepare for that? I mean they basically knew already but still. Should I have I texted Ash and asked him? He was probably out to his friends, so he had come out to at least two people before and that was all the advice I needed.

Just then there were keys jingling outside of the door.

Too late... I was on my own.

One second later, my friends came in smiling and they threw their bags to the ground.

"Hey, Lukey."

I smiled nervously, "Hey, Al."

She looked at me for a second, "You look nervous. What did you do?"

I laughed, "I didn't do anything. I wanna tell you guys something."

Jack plopped down on his bed, as Alice set herself lightly on my bed, "Tell away."

I faced them and took a deep breath, I was about to say it when Alice's squealing cut me off.

"Are you finally gonna come out to us?"

I looked at her wide-eyed and Jack laughed, "It's pretty obvious, dude."

"Well, will you let me get on with it and stop interrupting?" I pouted.

They laughed and Jack made a motion for me to continue.

I hmphed and laughed a little, "Um well you ruined it. I'm gay. And low-key falling in love with Ash? I don't know what to do!"

I ended off falling face-first on my bed beside Alice.

She laughed and soothingly pet my head, "Sweety. You'll be fine. Just tell him. He likes you too."

I lifted my head, "How do you know?"

Jack scoffed, "You look at each other with the same lovesick and dazed look. You're both so whipped."

My face went red, "Is it really that obvious?"

He shrugged, "Pretty much."

I groaned and slammed my face into my bed again.

"You should tell him at the next party."

"How?" I asked, my voice muffled from my mattress.

"Either you can pull him aside and tell him, or we could make up a truth or dare for you to confess."

"I'm not gonna confess in front of a bunch of people, are you crazy?"

"Bro, we can't tell what you're saying."

I groaned and lifted my head, "I'm not gonna confess in front of a bunch of people, are you crazy? Especially if he doesn't feel the same way, I'll embarrass myself."

Alice rolled her eyes, "He won't reject you. He likes you too, dumbass. See? I told you you're oblivious."

I huffed.

After a few moments, I groaned again, "Fine. You guys can plan something. But don't tell me, just do it. Nothing too embarrassing though, please?"

Alice smiled sweetly, "Don't worry, it'll be adorable. Everyone will clap and 'aw'."

I rolled my eyes, but I actually liked the sound of that...


It was the day of the party. I was going to somehow confess later. We had an hour till the start of the party and Alice and Jack were talking to plan what they were gonna make me do. They were going to go get me ten minutes before the party. I was having a heart attack though...

Ash's POV (at the same time) ((short))

There was a knock outside of my room and I checked the time, it must have been Ricky.

I went and opened the door and was shocked at who I saw, "Hi."

Alice smiled, "Hey, could I talk to you for a minute?"

"Um, sure. Come in."

She walked in and I closed the door and faced her.

"I gotta ask you something."


"Do you have feelings for Lucas?"


"I'm not going to tell him if you do, don't worry. I'd honestly be so happy cause you two are so cute. I just wanted to know."

I looked at her for a second and she looked genuine so I took a breath and nodded, "Yeah, I like him..."

She smiled widely, "That's so sweet!"

I laughed a little and a knock sounded at my door again.

I pointed behind me, "That's probably my friends."

She nodded, "Yeah I better go get my boys for the party. I'll see you later, Ash."

I nodded and she opened the door, said hi to Ricky and Sara, and walked past them. They gave me questioning looks and I just shrugged and we left.


Lucas' POV

Jack spun and it landed directly in between me and Ash.

He looked up, "What do I do?"

The guy that usually starts the games shrugged, "Just choose one of them to ask."

He nodded and smirked while looking at me, "Truth or dare, Lukey?"

Ugh, I felt like I was going to puke.

They told me before the games that they planned out a truth question to ask me so I can confess and a dare, so I can choose whichever I feel I'll be more comfortable with. Meanwhile, I was scared shitless at both of them.


"I dare you to walk around the circle twice and then walk around again to your crush and give them a back hug."

My face went bright red and a bunch of people murmured questions as to why he said 'them' instead of 'her'.

I nodded as I stood up and slowly walked around, everyone was staring at me. Including Ash. He looked just as nervous as I probably did. Should that have made me feel better or worse? I finally made it around one and a half times and I was trying my best not to throw up because that would have been so embarrassing. 

I was almost to him. 

I glanced at Jack and Alice, and they were smiling at me. Alice was giving me a thumbs up. I looked at Ash again from across the circle and he smiled at me a little. 

I took a deep breath and sped up, so I was right behind Ash, and I hugged him.

Everybody gasped and I heard his breath hitch as he froze in my arms.

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