Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

"So when's this dinner?" I asked Nash as I poured him a cup of disgusting filter coffee. It seemed he thought it was disgusting too, by the look on his face.

"This place looks like it's from the eighties," he remarked in distaste. I rolled my eyes, sighing. Sure, Al's Kitchen wasn't the flashest, newest joint in town, but it paid okay.

"The dinner, Nash, when is it?" I was already growing impatient with him, and if he wasn't careful he would be six feet under, very, very soon.

"Oh right. Uh, like in a week?" I stared blankly at him as he shrugged, grinning up at me. "I'll text you with the details."

I frowned but was called over to another table before I could reply. I set the jug of coffee down and quickly took the order of a man and woman, sticking it up for Al before hurrying back to Nash.

"You have to wear something nice, by the way, if you have a dress that would be great, if it was classy, even better," he explained after taking a sip of his black coffee, but not before grimacing in disgust. "If you even own something classy." I glared at him as he grinned at me, his deep blue eyes mischievous.

I turned away from him again as someone called out to me, and my eyes landed on a tall, heavily built man with a shaved head. I hesitantly walked over to him, a fake, bright smile on my face, and pulled out my little notebook I used for orders and my very used pencil.

"Hi sir, what can I get you?" My smile faltered slightly as the man looked up at me, his blue eyes steely and cold, nowhere near as inviting as Nash's, no matter how annoying he was.

"Uh yeah, could I just get steak and fries please." He smiled politely at me, his eyes skimming over the old menu in his hands nervously.

I scribbled down his order before looking back at him. "Anything else I can get you?" He hesitated for a moment before shaking his head.

"No, that'll be great thanks." I smiled at him once more before taking his order to Al, who had just gotten one of the other waitresses to deliver an order.

I glanced over at Nash, who was now talking to a girl in the booth beside his. I sighed, and ventured back to his table.

I got there just as they burst into laughter, her hand reaching out to squeeze his arm. I could feel the anger welling up inside me, and forced a smile out through clenched teeth.

"Who's this Nash?" I shot the redhead a sweet smile, before I turned to Nash, my eyes shooting daggers.

I wasn't jealous, no, I was annoyed at the fact that he was flirting with another girl, yes, but we're meant to be "dating". Which means no more flirting.

"Oh, this is, uh..." Nash paused, his cheeks slightly going red. "This is..." I fought hard to contain my laughter as he struggled to remember her name, the redhead beginning to look rather pissed.

"Maria, my name is Maria," the redhead spat, pushing herself out of the booth with her bag, and storming over to the other side of the room. Nash cringed, his cheeks now a deep red.

"Nice going Romeo, that's one way to get a girl into bed." I rolled my eyes at him, still partly annoyed that he would flirt with someone else. I needed him to keep quiet about me breaking into his house, and if he flirted, there was more of a chance of this not working out. And there was already a ninety-eight percent chance.

He glared at me before taking another sip of his coffee, grimacing. "You shouldn't even be flirting Nash, you have a girlfriend, remember?" He groaned, his head falling back onto the red leather of the seat.

Robbers // Nash GrierWhere stories live. Discover now