Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

The next week went by quickly, consumed with shifts at the diner, study dates with Caleb and Alyssa, and the annoyance of having Nash with me nearly every second of the day. And now I was out shopping with Caleb and Alyssa for this stupid dinner with Nash.

"I didn't even know you had a boyfriend Willow," Caleb remarked, cocking an eyebrow at me as I pulled them into yet another store.

I sighed and spun to face them. "We met at the diner one magical night and I was completely taken with his brilliance and charm. He completes me," I recounted in a monotone voice. Yes, Nash did indeed tell me to say that whenever anyone asked about our "relationship".

Alyssa and Caleb shared a look, obviously not buying my act. You'd have ti be a class A idiot to not see it was a load of bullshit.

Before they could reply though, I was rummaging around in the racks for "something classy" as it seemed that nothing in my closet was good enough for Nash.

Caleb and Alyssa both disappeared amidst the clothes, knowing better than to question what I was doing with him. It was always best that they stayed out of whatever trouble I got myself into.

I pulled out a navy blue wrap dress, my nose crinkling in distaste. No way. There were no good stores in this mall, and anything that came remotely close to what I should get was incredibly over-priced. I'd need to work about six shifts at the diner to pay one off, and it would be about the only thing I could buy.

When nothing in this store was good enough, we decided to take a break, buying smoothies from our favorite shop.

As we took our seats, Alyssa chose to interrogate me. "So what's he like? Is he attractive? How much do you like him?" I laughed at her, never getting tired of her... Curiosity.

"He's kind of an ass, he's prettier than me, and not very much to be honest," I answered, grinning when Alyssa's eyes widened. I had always adored her eyes, a beautiful mix of blue and grey that always caught a person's attention.

Caleb and Alyssa spoke at the same time, so their words were just a jumbled mess.

"You first," Caleb said. He always was the gentleman.

Alyssa didn't seem to notice that though, and I had a feeling she would have just spoken anyway. "Do you not remember the fourth rule of my dating guide? Never date a guy that's prettier than you," she hissed, her blue eyes wide, her expression way too serious for me to handle.

Taking a sip of my berry smoothie, I shook my head and turned to Caleb, hoping he'd have something better to say.

He stared at me for a moment before frowning. "If you don't like the guy, why do all this stuff for him?" I twirled a piece of my bleached hair between my fingers for a minute, contemplating.

Oh hmm, maybe Caleb, because he caught me breaking into his house, and if I don't do everything he says he'll call the police and I'll have to pay a hefty fine I can't afford. Maybe even something worse. I didn't say that though, instead I shrugged.

"Might as well give it a chance," I answered, before slurping up the last of my smoothie and standing. "I'm going to go check out the op-shop, I shouldn't be too long." They mumbled goodbye's and started bickering about something pointless, the way they always did.

Like an old married couple, I thought, smiling to myself as I entered the trendy op-shop that always had cool shit in it.

I smiled to the woman at the counter, small and frail, her grey hair pulled up into a perfect bun, before sliding over to the dress rack. The dinner was tonight, and if I didn't find anything... Well, I just had to find something.

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