Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

I woke a short time later, an unknown person putting me in an unknown bed, the room I was in unfamiliar, dark and dimly lit, the only source of light coming from a bedside lamp to my left.

I gasped and instantly started to thrash, punching and kicking anything I could come in contact with.

"Willow. Willow," someone hissed out, and it took me a moment to realise it was Cameron. I began to breathe much more steadily, my body instantly becoming still, heart rate slowing.

"Sorry. I get a little shaken after attacks," I croaked out, relaxing into the clean, soft sheets. "Whose bed am I in?" I didn't want to be sleeping in some strange room, in someone else's bed. It was unsettling, and I avoided it whenever possible, refusing to sleep in a bed that wasn't my own unless I knew the person whose bed I was going to be sleeping in.

Cameron sighed and slid in, bumping me over with his hip. "Mine." I frowned, crossing my arms over my chest. So perhaps I was more happy with that answer than I should have been.

I became suddenly very aware of the fact he was only wearing a pair of black satin boxers. Guess he likes his junk rubbing against something smooth. I stifled a giggle at my next thought, blushing as I realised how dirty it was. I knew something he could rub his junk against that would be much smoother than those satin boxers. You are such a bad girlfriend, even if it is a fake relationship.

He was very close, our legs touching briefly under the covers as he settled. "I don't want to sleep in your bed," I muttered, realising I was no longer in my jeans and t-shirt but in somebody else's jumper, that was far too big for me. "Did you undress me?" I asked baffled and feeling slightly violated.

The last person that had tried that had quite an... Interesting evening. I may have left him unable to have children. Humanity should thank me for saving their asses from having to deal with more of that guy.

"Don't worry, I didn't look. Just, whenever my sister would have attacks she would always get mad if I didn't get her changed. I thought you might be the same," he murmured quietly, the lamp that was switched on next to him casting a sultry glow over the both of us. It was causing my heart rate to bump up, and I let my gaze wander around the room, forcing myself to focus on something other than the way his jaw line was shadowed by the light, and my hands itched to draw his beautifully sculpted face. I had a feeling I could never do it justice, even if I worked with the tools of the Gods.

"Oh... Well thanks," I mumbled, my eyes looking anywhere but at him. Looking at him was dangerous.

I forced myself to think of other things, like how I didn't know his sister had panic attacks. But then again, why would I? It wasn't like I knew him at all. " Where's Nash?" I asked, diverting the conversation as fast as possible, and onto the person I should be thinking about drawing, the one I should be thinking about in such a way that would make even Lucifer blush.

I had never enjoyed talking about my panic attacks, it always left me feeling vulnerable and weak. I didn't like people knowing about it. And I guessed that he might be the same with his sister. I had a feeling he didn't like not being able to protect her from this... From herself.

"I'm here," a voice called from the doorway, and my attention was instantly snagged. Nash smiled at me, though his blue eyes held a strange emptiness that confused me. Almost as if he knew that I had been thinking of Cameron. Why would he care anyway? I was just a cover story, as he was for me. But damn he was stealthy, I hadn't heard or seen him arrive.

I narrowed my eyes, suspicion seeping into my bones. "Where are you sleeping?" If I was able to sleep somewhere other than Cameron's bed, which I was sure I could, then I was out of here. Too tempting.
No, stop it Willow. You're being ridiculous, I told myself, trying to shake this strange feeling from my body.

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