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I've never felt so relieved in my life. The second the apartment door opened and I saw him standing there my heart felt like it was beating again.

It was as if every ounce of trauma was thrown to the side because he was in one piece.

My heart was jumping at everything, but my body refuses to move.

The only thing I can do is stay seated on the couch staring at his frame.

"Holy shit." I mumble as the tears keep falling. I didn't think he'd show up. He told me that if he didn't show up I had to call his father, and I was so close to calling. My hands have been hovering off the contact for hours. I didn't want to call, I don't think I would've ever called.

"I'm here baby, I'm here." He takes long strides over to me and plants himself on the ground in front of me. "I'm here, it's okay Jen, it's okay." He pulls my face to his and I cling onto him desperately.

"Never leave me again. You don't get to leave us again. Please, don't do it again." I keep repeating and he squeezes me tighter.

"I won't, I promise."

"If you ever leave me alone again I don't know what I'll do. I think my rambling started to make Eden lose her mind. Sebastian you can't do that again." I explain and he stands up quickly before pulling me up and into a full hug.

It doesn't feel real. I have him back but he still doesn't feel real.

"Are they okay? Is everyone alive?"

"Not everyone, but our house and family are okay. We did lose some warriors."

"I don't want to talk war right now, but when we get home I'll need a run down of what occurred."

"Of course, but all you need to know right now is that we wont have to worry about any council getting invovled and finding out about Milo." He kisses my head.

"Speaking of Milo, where is she?" He looks around frantically and I lead him into the other room where she's sound asleep on the bed.

"I just wanna get you guys home." He takes a seat next to her before pulling her into his arms. "I never should've sent you here, but I knew I couldn't keep you there for all of this."

"You promise everyone else is okay?" I ask in a small voice and he pulls me closer as well.

"Our immediate family is safe and back at the house. I'm not gonna get into details until we're back home and safe."

"But I want details. Bastian I've stared out these apartment windows for the past week. Don't lie to me, not when I haven't slept in days. I couldn't sleep, I still can't sleep. I'm exhausted and I just want to know that the pack themselves will be okay and that I don't have to attend a hundred funerals for those families whose members sacrificed their life for me and my family."

"Please don't make me relive it right now. I know leaving you here has put you through so much but I went through a lot as well and I'm not ready to talk about it. I might be an Alpha but I've never made a power move like I've just made and I've never fought the way I fought."

I've been with Sebastian for almost two years. In those two years I've seen him leave for days on missions and come back quiet. He's seen shit but even with what he's seen he's never acted like this. I know he's hurting.

"Is Garrett okay?" I ask to lighten the mood and he laughs. "He's always gotten me annoyed but he cares about our family. He is family. I'll always care what happens to that idiot."

"Garrett is safe and sound in the house. However we've been told that Michelle and him are mates."

No way.

We had that pit in our stomachs that led us to believe Steph would be with Logan. Nobody ever suspected Garrett to be someone's mate. He's human and he doesn't care about much at all, let alone another person.

Not only am I going to go back home to some devastation, but I'm gonna return to a bit of a shit show. I'll be in charge of keeping Logan from flipping out over not having a mate, in charge of keeping Bash from killing Garrett, and also in charge of a child.

Who would've thought that I'd be a Luna.

A good Luna.

I spent so much time being told that my attitude would ruin my relationships and that no pack would listen to me, but Sebastian loves me and he loves having me as his Luna. I fought myself so hard over the past few months and I tried my hardest to accept the love Bash sent my way. It wasn't easy and I didn't work that hard to give up right now when stuff is going to get tougher.

The council was a burden to our lives and to many other packs. Sebastian took a risk and he may have made the best decision ever or the worst decision ever, but he tried. He tried his hardest to do the best for his pack and for Milo and I, and he came back alive. That's all I care about. Now it's time to get back home and to get back to my normally scheduled Luna routine.

It's time to make our own council.

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