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A council meeting.

The last council meeting or gathering I was a part of ended in a severe concussion and the removal of Sebastians pack from any council activities.

That old council tried to kill my family. They tried to kill the people I hold closest to my heart and they ultimately put my child's life in danger.

This new council will be nothing like it. This council will not hurt innocent Luna's to get information to tear down weaker packs or even powerful packs.

I had asked Sebastian on countless occasions who exactly is in charge here today and he never gave me a clear answer. He just handed me a sealed envelope and told me to open it before the meeting began.

I now know why exactly he never answered me and made me wait to open this envelope.

It's because Sebastian Michael Reece left me in charge of this council. He left me to be the main man in charge.

"Logan you call him and you tell him to get here right this moment. I will not be leading this meeting today. I will not be leading this meeting ever." I screech out in fear as I pace in my room at the former council house.

"Logan I need him on the phone right now. What don't you understand?" I slam my hands down on the desk as I look over the letter.

"Logan why aren't you calling him?"

"Because you're not backing out of this. You've been prepared for months and you know what has to be done. I'm only here because you're in charge. No other Alpha is here with their Beta. I'm here because you're in charge and I'm protecting you and aiding you. I'm your bitch for the day and will be for a long time because Bash has me protecting you and running this ship."

"Call my fiancé now then." I argue while motioning to his phone. "He won't answer my calls but he'll answer yours."

"I'll call him but this won't change the meeting in an hour. It'll still be occurring. You still have to suck it up and run this shit." He mumbles while holding the phone to his ear as it rings.

"You don't get to back out." He continues to ramble to himself. "And I didn't come here just for you to-."

"Logan why are you calling me?" Bash's voice shouts and Logan immediately sticks the phone away from his ear.

"I was forced to call you."

"Put my stubborn Luna on the phone." I hear Bash's voice echo through the speaker again and I get handed the phone. "Jenifer what is there to talk about? I gave you a position you can handle and one that you are fit for. You're more than capable, so please cam down. You're supposed to be preparing your speech not talking to me. Nothing I say will make this easier."

"When I come home in two days you're getting the silent treatment." I whisper while trying to figure out how I'm going to lead. "Like a very long silent treatment."

"That's a small price I'll play for you completing such an important task. I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get there. Just know that every pack who showed up there today agreed to show up knowing that it was you leading them. They all agreed to being there with your leadership."

"They did?"

"Of course they did. I wasn't going to send you to the wolves. I mean I sort of did by not telling you until today, but you're in safe hands. Nothing that happens today will be out of your control."

"Now go do what you're meant to be doing and if you're still mad after this weekend then I'll accept the silent treatment."

"I love you." I breathe out and he lets out one of his small laughs. It's the laugh he does when he's trying to act serious but can't help but give in and let his soft side shine through.

"I love you more."

"Ew stop it, call her on her phone to tell her that stuff." Logan grabs the phone in disgust and hangs up for me.

"I need you to be honest with me Logan." I grab at his arm and he looks shocked that I'm being serious. "You've read my plans for this council. Do you think this is right? Do you think that I'm going to go in there and miss my target?"

"You have a plan and they'll probably love it but if they don't you can alter things. This weekend is meant to be a discussion and you're capable of compromise. Don't question yourself."

"I can't help it. I'm not even officially the Luna of the pack. I wear his mark but I'm not officially anything. Why am I here?" I raise my voice as I stand up and he immediately grabs me and sits me back down.

"Look at me." He shouts. "You are the Luna of the pack and you need to be focused. You need to put on a brave face. I know you can do that because you did it that day we met the old council. You held yourself to a standard only a Luna could hold themselves to. You protected this pack before you were even mated to Sebastian."

"This was your pack then and it is your pack now. You're a leader and you have the power to run this and make this everything it needs to be for your daughter. If you don't think you can do this for yourself then do it for Milo because without a safe council her life is in jeopardy. Do not make me remind you of what they'd do to your baby girl if they knew of her existence and that being the real reason your fiancé killed the council."

"Logan." I warn him and he shakes his head.

"You put on the brave face for her. You do it to make sure she lives long enough to make all of this worth it."

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