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Ashley's POV

"I'm not in love with your mate." I scream down the table and Hudson pulls me back.

"I had a crush on him when I was fourteen, I'm not into him anymore. All I care about is meeting my own mate so shut your stupid face and go taunt someone else." I slam my hands down but Hudson keeps me close to his chest.

"Hey c'mon it's not worth it Ash. You know it's not worth it."

"It is too fucking worth it. I've been waiting to meet my mate and so has he!" I scream while motioning to Logan who has his head in his hands. "All for her to keep hers a secret and to reveal it at the last minute. She could've gotten Garrett killed. She could've gotten Tommy killed!" I scream before taking my seat and leaning against my chair as I try to catch my breath.

"She could've gotten any one of us killed that day."

"I was protecting him."

"You could've gotten your whole family killed. Stop trying to act like you have your life together. You're seventeen not thirty. Why couldn't you wait to tell someone and we could've had a plan. You're selfish and always have been. Our whole teen years were spent watching you sneak out and hoping mom or dad wouldn't catch on."

"And look where that got me?!" She screams back. "It got me taken advantage of. I'm not proud. That night had me in terrors for months. I don't bring up your pathetic love life so don't bring up mine!"

"Pathetic? You mean the part where she hasn't found her mate? Yeah really pathetic Michelle. Good choice of words, I'll be sure to keep that in mind next time you need something." Logan crosses his arms over his chest and that's all it takes for Sebastian to raise his voice.

"Okay enough, I'm stepping in. I was unaware that Garrett and Michelle were mates and I'm sure everyone knows how I feel about it, but at the end of the day we cannot be mad at them over something they cannot control."

"Exactly." Michelle speaks triumphantly.

"However, you knew I was meeting with the council. You knew I was meeting with them to get him back. You knew you shouldn't have been there, so instead you manipulated me to be there only to put us all in danger. You're my little sister and I adore you, as I adore all of my sisters, but you could've got Garrett killed right along with Jen and Milo. You were selfish and you have lost the privilege to act high and mighty."

"Ashley, you cant get mad at her for having a mate. I know it sucks and I know what it's like to wait around to find yours but trust me he's out there. I promise you that." He turns to me and I shake my head.

"Trust me I'm not mad at her. I'm mad because I love everyone at this table and she almost made me choose who to save. I had to choose wether or not to leave her behind to protect myself or Tommy or Hudson. I don't want to choose who I love more and who means more to me."

"And you're allowed to be angry Ashley. I understand that and I'm sure Michelle can understand where you're coming from. I just think we have to be more understanding of each other at this point in time." Jenifer agrees before looking over at Tommy.

"Don't talk to me right now. I'm not interested in having this conversation." He stands up and I immediately go to follow.

"He's too angry to be calmed down at this point. He's probably gonna go shift and I don't want him hurting you." Hudson pulls me back down and I roll my eyes.

"Let go of me, I'm also done having this conversation."

"It's too late he's already shifted." Bash takes his seat again but this time wraps his arm around Jen. "He just needs to go for a run. He'll be back don't worry."

"Well I just need a nice hit to the head to forget this ever happened." Garrett finally speaks up.

"I'd be more than willing to supply." Logan drops his fork to the plate and just like before someone is ready to fight. The two boys stand up and I can tell Logan is trying his hardest to stay calm but he's not one to stay like that for long.

"If you swing at him, consider your position as my beta revoked." Sebastian cuts in.

Logan and Bash rarely fight.  They'll have a few arguments about how they believe certain battles should be fought and what business to dive into, but it's very seldom that threats will be made. Growing up, Logan and Bash were really close and Hudson joined in soon after. I got used to seeing them around the house all the time and it was sad when Bash moved out and into his own place because it turned quiet. The sound of laughter wasn't as prominent anymore and the pranks stopped. They had to grow up and become leaders.

However, Sebastian has never threatened Logan's position. Not even during the time when Jen and him fought. Logan is his rock, but right now Logan is the one in need of a rock. He's gone off the deep end in the past few months and Garrett getting a mate was the last straw for him. There's nothing any of us can do to help him either because that rage is going to be there regardless of what is said. The only thing that can work is finding his mate which we've all been trying to do.

I know what it feels like. I know how much it hurts, but he's been waiting years more than I have.

He's desperate.

And desperate people do some of the most extreme decisions.

And that's why the next sound heard through this dining hall was the sound of Logan's fist meeting Garrett's face.

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