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To your surprise, Yoongi wasn't waiting for you outside of your classroom. He's usually there with his earphones in. You'd be lying if you said you weren't disappointed. At the same time, you were worried. He was pulled out of the cafeteria by Principal Yoo and it was worrying you a bunch. Namjoon and Hoseok didn't like how students were already gossiping about him getting expelled. If they only knew. Yoongi could never get expelled with his relationship to Myunghan. You doubt his mom would appreciate her husband kicking her son out of his school.

You took out your phone to send a text through the group chat. Before you could even type, Namjoon left a message that Hoseok was no longer needed for the meeting. He had Yoongi with him. Pausing in your steps, you were surprised that Yoongi would agree and volunteer himself. Did something happen with the principal? The group chat was soon flooded with emojis by Hoseok. There were a million of thumbs up and 'ok' hands. Despite the entire spam, Yoongi sent one middle finger. That got Hoseok to stop since that basically read 'I will kill you if you send more'. Sighing, you turned off the screen of your phone.

So this means Hoseok will be walking with you to the middle school. Hopefully he's waiting for you by the school gates. Tucking your phone away in your bag, you walked down the crowded halls. Most people were minding their own business. There was only one person who seemed like they were purposely waiting for you. An evil smirk grew on their face as you came closer. They were in your math class. They were always the first to gossip the second Yoongi or you did anything. It could be simple as breathing and they would complain about how you guys were inconsiderately taking all the oxygen in the world.

"I heard about that delinquent!" They laughed, joining you on the walk down the hall. You rolled your eyes at their presence. You really don't want them here with you right now. "I bet he's going to get expelled! Finally!"

"Can you just shut the hell up about things you know nothing about?" You scoffed.

"Oh, trust me. I know what happens to people like him." They snickered. "Just know, I hope you get expelled too. Have fun back at public—" They accidentally bumped into a chest. You quickly looked up to see a taller figure glaring down at the student. Slowly, your classmate lifted their head and their skin paled.

"Are you harassing Cha (F/n)?" Seokjin questioned.

"Er, Mr. Kim!"

"I have a meeting to attend, but don't think I don't have time to give you detention for your unacceptable behavior!" Seokjin grabbed their wrist. He began tugging them away, ranting about all the times he's seen them gossiping in class. You were stunned as the student dramatically whined about their record being smudged if they got detention and how no college will want them.

Well, you smiled to yourself. They certainly should have thought about that before acting like they were better than you and your friend. It took a lot out of you not to snicker at them for acting like an idiot. You're going to have to thank Seokjin later. He didn't always see the way students treated Yoongi and you, but he was seeing it more and more. At least the way Yoongi and you got treated was obvious. If people treated you the way they did with Namjoon, you would have to rip your hair out. You honestly don't know how he does it. People only hating him for the dumbest sh*t. You just want to protect your friends.

Marching out towards the gates, you spot the orange haired male in the distance. A smile formed on your face right away. All anger faded away once you laid eyes on him. It's good that Hoseok gets treated right. You skipped over to him as he waved goodbye to all the people waving at him. Hoseok saw you in the corner of his eyes, his smile growing into a huge bright grin. Sometimes it was hard to believe you ever hated him. First impressions, though trustworthy at times, don't always reveal the true character of a person. There are more than one side to people after all.

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