Chapter 1-him-

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This was before technology so yea... Enjoy.

Y/n picks up some flowers from the fields. You are 12,you wear a dress, it is grey with a blue bow. The apren it pure white and she wears a hat on her head. You hear your father yell for you.

"Y/n! Come here!" He yells and she sighs and puts the flowers in the basket and walks to the home. You pass the crops that lead up hill to your house. It was a small house. You open to door passing the materials that you use for the crops. Then you get to the kitchen. Your mother is cooking and your father is angry. "Y/n, what were you doing?" he ask and you look at him.

"Father I was busy with the flowers"

"Who told you to get them?"

"I did Hunny" your mom speaks and he sighs.

"Alright, y/n. Please help your mother with dinner" he ask and you nod. You set the flowers down and assist your mother. Your father hated you, because you were a mistake. Not meant to be born. You help your mother with dinner. Your little brother walks into the kitchen.

"Mother?" He ask and she looks at him.

"Yes?" She says giving him attention.

"May I have an apple?" He ask nicely.

"Of course" she grabs an apple and hands it to him. He smiles and says thank you, then runs off. Then supper came. You all eat in silent. Then wash up. Your brother heads to bed, and you went to your room. You sigh and look out your window that leads to the woods. Then see a figure. It freaks you and you scream. Your mother and father come in the room, to see you on the floor.

"Y/n! Your Alright?" Your mother ask helping you up.

"T-there is a creature out in the woods." You say scared. Your father looks out to see nothing. He growls and looks at you and smacks you in the face.

"Do not lie to us!" He yells and he mom agrees.

"Please sweetie, do not lie to your mother and father" she says and y/n was about to say something but nothing comes out. Her parents leave. She sighs.

"But I am not lying" she looks out the window and sees nothing again. She lays down on her bed I'm her night gown and soon falls asleep. Then hear a scream at she gets up running down to see a thief stand over your mother. You run and push the thief over and help your mother up. You both run to the kitchen praying that your father will help. But he left to do things. So it was you, your mother and your 7 year old brother. He was a heavy sleeper, she he was safe in his room.

"Y/n? Your suppose to be in bed" she whispers as the thief walks through their home to find them.

"Mother, we have to get John and leave" y/n whispers and she nods. They slowly make their way to John's room. You pick him up and hear a noise. Your mother protects you and your brother. But it was to late. The thief threw a dagger at your mother. Your father just got home to hear you scream. The thief pushes you and your brother over and jumps out. You put your brother down, he wakes up but your father runs in to see you crying over your mother's body. You look up to see your father, then look to see John awake. You cover his eyes so he does not see. Your father shears years but doesn't say anything. He picks her body up and puts her in an empty room. He was angry, and he went back to his son's room. You put John back to sleep. After you did, your father grabs you and takes you outside and he pushes you to the ground. "Father! What are you doing?" You asked scared, he didn't say anything. He grabbed a whip, and looks at you.

" Face the tree's." He demands and you do as told. "remove your gown" he demands and you shed tears but do as told but you just reveal your back, before you could get the gown off he whips you. You cry. It hurts and he kept going. He whipped you 10 times. He drops the whip and walks over to you. "You will not be my daughter nor John's sister. You will be our slave. Your the reason why my wife is dead" he says and walks inside. You cried, it hurts so bad. No one could help you. You get up in a pain. You put the gown back on. It was bleeding through but you didn't care. You lay on you stumach because your back hurts.

Morning came and you get out of bed and change into not bloody cloths. You get to your chores. First was breakfast. Since you woke up when the sun rose, it was much easier. You make eggs, and pancakes. You set the table and John already comes down. He sits and you kiss him on the head. You eat with him. He smiles and talks about the man he see.

"He is a tall man sister" he says and you remember seeing at one point. "he doesn't have a face, but he is really nice." He says and it hits her, he talked to him.

"John, did you speak with this tall man?" You ask and he nods.

"Yes, he may not speak clearly but he does speak through your mind" he says and she gets confused.

(Y/n's POV)

"Pardon? You say he speaks with you through your mind? How?" I ask him. He may be 7 so it might be an imaginary friend, but it is not because I saw him too at one point.

"He has no face, so you can't see his eyes or mouth." He says and I nod. I grab the plate that me and my brother ate off of. I wash them and tell him to play in the yard. He runs out and father walks down. He stays silent and eats. I leave to wash some clothes. I do John's first since he is the youngest. It took nearly an hour but I get father's done much faster. Then mine. I wash my gown last since it was bloody. But the 'imaginary friend's that my brother speaks of appears to play with him. He has a human side. She freezes think that her brother is dead. The guy wore a mask to hide his face. He had a pale skin but wore a suit that was all black. He had white hair though, like a dead person. He disappeared, and John ran over to me.

"Y/n did you see him?" He asked and she says no. She lied to him.

"John come here!" Their father yells and he runs over.

So for 5 years John was forced to hurt me. Then he hurt me because I told him he had an imaginary friend at age 9, and that he needed to grow out of it.
I still love John...but I hate the things he says to me, they hurt.

"I wish you weren't my sister!" He says kicking me one last time. I was sleeping in the barn since they never wanted me in the house. I hate them.

(3rd POV)

Y/n us sitting in the field looking out into the world. The forest surrounded them, and it was peaceful. Then her brother came over.

"Hey y/n! You bitch. Why don't you die"

"If I die, then you would be alone. To deal with father by yourself. I love you John" she says standing up and he gets confused. "No matter how much you hate me I will always love you" tears fall but she walks past him and he was confused. She went to the barn and started to clean up. She heads to the house to start cleaning until she over hears her father talking to another suitor that was invited into the home.

"Y/n is a hard working women, she would be perfect" the suitor spoke out

"She sure is but she is not of age" her father spoke and she smiles that he is not getting ride if her.

"Lets make a deal. I will clear anything you want if I get you daughter tonight"

"what is the deal?" her father ask, and she starts to shed tears. 

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