Chapter 13 - honey I'm home -

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After the movie, Jane and Clockwork put Sally and Lazari to bed, so me and Nurse Ann relax for a bit.

It was 11 clock at night and I stand up to have the door bust open and Jeff yelling. "HONEY I'M HOME" I bust out laughing and Ann joins me. Jeff looks at us, then walks off. We both still laugh, as the boys come into the house tired. I stop laughing to calm down. Then Toby came up behind me and grab my weak sides, I gasp as he hugs me. It was more than a hug. Oh shit. He moves his hands under my shirt.

"T-TOBY STOP" I screamed. He was ripped off me and Ann grabs my arm.

'what the hell Toby?' Slenderman says looking at him. He was drunk. Most of the guys were just not Slendery, Ej, or Hoodie. Ej grabs Toby and drags him up to his room. Hoodie came to check on me with Masky on his back asleep.

"You a-lright?" He whispers and I nod. He nods back and heads up stairs. I soon left to head to bed. It has been a long night. Slenderman was still dealing with Toby. I get to Slender's room and head in to go to bed. I wasn't tired, so I grab a book and start to read. After 30 minutes, the door opens and Slenderman walks into the room and sits at his desk. I peek over the book to look at him. He is stressed. I put the book down and got off the bed and sat on the desk.

"Hey you okay?" I ask and he looks at me.

'yes, I am fine y/n' he looks at paper work. I don't move, and look at the paper work. -new proxies?- why a question mark? He is stressed he has to relax his mind.

"Slendy?" I get his attention and he looks at me. "Your stressed, relax..please" I beg and he groans.

'sorry Y/n, but I can't, this is important.' he continues.  I think and an idea pops in and I blush dark red. I get off and think if I should... Him...and me might..oh God.... My heart started to race. I leave the room to get something then I headed to the restroom. I look at myself in the mirror. 

"no, can't do this" I changed back to my cloths, and left to head outside. I breath heavily. "how can I prove I love him, without....that just yet..." I whisper to myself, and look around. 

"hey Y/n, you alright?" Jane says, and I look at her, and I nod. 

"yea, just thinking..." I say, looking back at the forest. 

"you don't look well, lets head inside" she says, and I shake my head. 

"no, I am good, go ahead" I say, and she nods, and heads inside. "maybe a walk will clear my mind" I headed into the forest. "What am I going to do?" I walk around, and made my way to a  pond. "wow" I smile, the pond was beautiful. The wind brew, and I held my arm close. It was a bit cold but not that bad. "I think it is time to head back-" someone pushed me into the shallow *water. I gasp, sitting up. No one was around, I groan standing up. "well shit" I say I was half wet, and freezing cold after I got up. I slowly started to walk back, I was shaking badly. I got to the back door, everything became dark. I hit something hard, and fell to the ground. 


Masky head something fall outside, so he heads out, to see Y/n knocked out cold on the ground. "Y/n!" He says slightly yelling, and he picks her up to set her in Ann's room. Ann walks into her room, and sees what is going on. 

"what the hell? what the hell happened here?" She walks over "What happened to Y/n?" She checks her head. "she is freezing cold" 

"she was outside, and wet, from water"

"okay, get out I will take care of her." Ann says and Masky leaves. After a few moments, Slenderman appears, to check up on her "She is alright, just cold. She just needs rest" Ann says, and Slender's nods. "please take her to her bed, and make sure she gets rest sir" Ann says, and he nods. She leaves and Slender takes her to his bed, and lets her sleep.  He gets back to work. It was only 2 hours before he gets startled by Y'n. 

(Y/n's POV) 

I open my eyes, and gasp to breath, like I haven't breath before, I sit up. I heard shuffling, and looked over to see Slenderman look at me startled. "s-slendy??" I say confused on what is going on. 

'Y/n, are you alright?' He ask and I nod. I look down and see that I am in different clothes, my face goes red. 

"wh-o changed me?"

'Nurse Ann changed you out of wet clothes, please rest.' I lay back down blushing madly. 

"y-yes s-s-sir" I turn to my side, and try to sleep but it is hard to sleep. I turn over and look at him. He turns into his almost human form, and I cover my face, then peek. I get out of bed, quietly, and made my way to his desk. I sit on the desk and he looks at me.

'y/n?' Slenderman looks at me confused.

"I can't sleep" I say and he leans back.

'and?' he looks more confused.

"Sleep with me.. please" I beg and he blushes along with me. He stands ups and goes over to the bed.

'lets sleep' he says and I jump down to lay down and he wrap his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. I turn to face him.

Of fuck it.

I kiss him. He has lips. They are just not shown, but I know he has a face, it is just hidden. He kisses back. We separate and he whispers to me which makes me blush.

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