Chapter 4 -action-

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"f-father n-no" you say stepping back. "Please.. father" you hit the wall. He locked her in the basement and she was only in her t-shirt. She was weak. "Brother....I am sorry" she whispers. "I can't make it.." she looks up and sees a table. She crawls to the table, and stands up to see toys, used for sex. she falls and tears fall from her face. The door opens and she crawls under the table. 

"brat get dressed" he through cloths onto the ground, and she looks at the cloths, it was a dress. She grabs it and the doors closes. She takes her shirt off and puts the dress on. She sighs, and sits on the table to wait. She starts to memorize the dress, it was no straps, nor sleeves, it was short to mid-thighs. It was a bit low on her chest but it held, but it was to tight around her waist. She bit her lower lip, and anger grew inside her, she stands up and leaves the basement, and she quietly walked to her room, and packed a bag. She put her a days of cloths, and she grabbed her mother's coat, it was white, with a fur hood. She slips on some vans shoes, and grabs the bag. She walks out and heads to the kitchen and grabs a knife, small but also well fit in her hand. She walks outside to see her dad drinking on the porch. He had a bad day, and it was only getting worse. She walks to him. "what are you doing slut?" he looks at me and notice the bag, and my mothers coat. "were do you think your going?" he stands, and she stabs him in the chest. 

"I am killing you, so I won't be a fucking sex slave" she sheds tears, and he falls back-words. 

"you can't kill me Slut, you can't, won't kill me" he stands up straight, and she starts to run, and he used magic to save himself, and  looks at his daughter. She stops at the end of the road, and turns. "get back here you slut!"he starts to chases her. She runs into the woods, and he runs after her. "Y/N GET BACK HERE" you hear him yell but that does not stop you from running.

(Y/n's POV)

My dad was running after me, and I have no where else to go, the woods, they have been a safe place for me. Where I see a tall man at times, but I stop to breath. I hear him so I hide, covering my mouth, and he passes me. I wait until he is out of view. I catch my breath, and listen. I hear the wind, and the leafs rustling, along with the fresh air that blows against my face. I start to calm my breathing, and look at the tree in front of me. It had a piece of paper, it had writing on it and I stumble towards it. It had scribbles but you could make the words out. ' he know's ' and a stick figure with no face...the creature Jane talks about...along with Jeff. I hear a beach break and I turn. Something growls, and I start to run to the right. Away from my father and now this creature. I ran. It was chasing after me, I am running like hell. Then I see light and I stop at a cliff. I gulp. "Shit" I turn and see an awful creature. No skin, an awful face, and sharp claws...I seen a picture from Jane's fanticy thing... The rake. I stay quiet, but it walks towards me. I can't move, I don't want to die. It jumps to attack me and I duck for my safety, but it doesn't attack. I open my eyes and see Slenderman throw the creature over the cliff. I was frozen. Is he going to kill me? Why did he save me? Thoughts go through my head and he holds his hand out and I take it. He helps me up and the puts his finger to my head.

'Are you alright?' he ask speak through my head. I nod, feeling safe. I am not sure why I was safe but I was. 'y/n why did you come into my woods?' he ask and he knew my name. How?

"I-i ran into the woods t-to get away from my father." I say and he bends down kissing my forehead, I blush. "How do you k-know my n-name?" I ask because he said my name.

'...that is along story but..your have to live alone... you don't belong in the woods my dear...' he teleports us both out and I see my home, the farm I grew to love. 'your father will not you safe..' I swear I could see a bit of red but he disappeared before I could say anything. I walk to my home and open the door. No one was home.

I smile and desire to change..then it hit me and my enter face goes red. I change to more comfortable cloths and grab a book and start to read, but thoughts came in my head, Slenderman.. I was embarrassed, but I see the sun start to set and I go to my room to sleep. I fall asleep soon enough.

Morning came and I get dressed and head to the stop, and get on. There was a two new kids. I sit in front of them and the eldest I assume tapped me on the shoulder. I turn to him.

"Hi, I am Liu and This is my brother Jeff" he smiles and I nod.

"I-i am y/n" I smile out and then face forward and arrive at school. I meet Jane and she told me all about her new neighbors. I stay silent so I can listen. The school day passes and I get home. I became lonely. I didn't want to be alone.

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