Chapter 15 -the end-

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Slenderman has been keeping me hidden from the others for 2 months. I was angry, and hormones been acting up, but this crosses a line. He was out, and I was pissed off. I get dressed in a blue shirt, black jeans, an,d his coat. I get to the door, and open it and leave the room. It has been 2 months, and I was locked in this room, for nothing. I walk out to the kitchen and grab food, and headed outside, to eat. It was quiet, to quiet..what day is it? I grab my phone, and look at the date. My birthday. ", Guess they are planning something because of Jane" I sit back and start to eat. I hear commotion in the house, and smirk. "idiots" I finish eating, but I was still hungry. I get up from the stairs and head into the kitchen. I start to cook, and made soup, and mashed potatoes.
Then Masky and Hoodie walk into the kitchen to see me eating.

"Y/n? What the hell are you doing out of Slender's room?" Masky ask, and Hoodie Snickers. I look at them.

"Don't mess with me" Is all I say, and I continued to eat.

"Y/n? What the fuck?" Masky says more confused and Hoodie whispers to him. "Shit...." He says after a moment. They soon leave and I finish and clean up. I head to Slender's room and grab a book then hear outside. I start to read, to let time pass. Then I hear Slenderman.

'Where is Y/n?!" He yells and it was silent. I get up to head inside, I was quiet.

"She is not in your room?" Jane says and I lean against the wall looking at them.

"We have to look for her!" Sally says slightly yelling.

"Next time don't lock me inside, I can always find a way out" I speak and they look at me surprised. I had the book in my hand, and Slenderman looks at me. "What?"

'I thought you ran away?' he says questioning himself.

"Please If I ran away, I would have left a note. Now if you excuse me I must continue to read" I leave to head back outside and read. I was mad at him. He knew it. He appeared outside and turn to his human-ish form and squats down in front of me.

'y/n...I was worried...please don't do that again' he says and I ignore him. 'look at me' he says gentle and I continued to read. 'babe?' he says smiling a little and I don't look.

"Slendy, I am angry with you. You locked me in a room for 2 MONTHS. I WAS SO ALONE, AND YET YOU COME TO ME TRYING TO PUT ME BACK IN THAT ROOM. THINKING THAT IT WILL ALL GO AWAY! NO, IT CAN'T GO AWAY LIKE THAT" I was looking at him and he still had a calm face, the face I love. "...slendy... please don't do that to me again" I whisper and he nods.

'of let's head inside the others have a surprise ' he says and smile.

"Yeah I know. I heard" I say getting up and they did surprise me, it was the best. With an old friend... New once. And my boyfriend. And my baby.

3 months later

I was sitting outside and Slenderman is with me, as we wait on someone. I was reading a book, and when Trendorman Appears and Slenderman stands up to let me rest still.

'brother? What did you call me?' Trendor asked, and Slenderman sighs.

' My Girlfriend is pregnant, and Zalgo might come for her to get to me...or our child's he says, and Trendor looked surprised as far as I can tell.

'you have a? Wow...well that is a surprise..indeed. So you want them to be safe but you also want to visit her and the child?' Trendor ask, and he nods. 'alright, is she ready?'

"Do I look ready asshole" I say slightly pissed, I mean come on. I hate being pregnant, but I love my child. I slowly stand up and Slenderman gives me a kiss and Trendor grabbed my bag. Then we appeared in his home. It was small, but nice. I sit on the coat.

4 months later.

My screams were heard through the house. It hurts. Everything hurts. Slenderman is with me, and his hand must be hurting like hell. We have been at it for 2 hours. This baby better get the fucking hell out of me. Then I hear two babies cry. I breath heavily, but I was tired. Trendor's doctor cut my cords to the babies. He hands me both babies.

"Congrats, twins. Boy and a girl" he says and I smile. The boy had no eyes but I knew it was like Slenderman. He be fine. The the girl, she was like me, but her eyes are still closed. They are still crying. Their healthy. I him a small tune, and they calm down. Slenderman said something about an attack at the mansion so he had to leave. He knew their names, we agreed on that at least.

"D/n, s/n" (daughter's name. Son's name) The doctor takes them and tells me to rest. I do. An hour later I wake up to see them both asleep at my side. I smile. The enter room is clean for this reason. For my children.

10 years later.

Both d/n, and s/n are screaming. I run out of the kitchen holding a knife. Slenderman scared them both again.

"Daddy! How could you!" Our daughter yells and s/n runs over to me crying. I put the knife down and pick him up.

"Sweetie, how many times have I told you not to do that to our children" I say looking at him, he snickers.

'sorry love, but it is fun. Plus I missed these my children' he says and he picks up d/n.

"I am mad at you daddy" she says crossing her arms.

'pumkin, but daddy loves you' he kisses her on the cheek and then tickles her. She laughs and I put s/n down and he joined in.

Trendorman Appears.

"Uncle Trends!" They both says running over to him. He goes them a doll and a fake sword. They smiles and run around the house. I head back in the kitchen with the knife. This is my family. I smile.

The end

The Wind that lead me to you (Slenderman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now