40. At Midnight

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Christmas morning the only thing on my mind was leaving. I didn't care about the presents Dad shoved my way or the annoyed look on his face when I refused to open them.

"Just like your mama," he said as I added one more gift to the pile of unopened presents beside me.

We sat on the floor of the living room next to the professionally decorated tree. A Christmas Story played on tv with the sound muted. I had my phone out, taking pictures and videos of Taylor to show Mom later.

He was right about me being like her. I wasn't going to let him try and buy my forgiveness.

The only reason I didn't demand to go home yet was because Taylor was enjoying opening her gifts. Actually, she liked ripping the wrapping paper to shreds more than she liked any of the toys. It was difficult to stayed pissed off while watching her with a big grin on her face and trying to stick gift bows to her head.

Dad's phone rang and I was surprised when he didn't answer it, instead letting it go to voicemail. I'll admit for a father we could do much worse. He was at least present in his own way. But I couldn't get pass the whole thing about him using us. Was he only using my mom to further his career as well? Did he leave her because she was no longer of use to him? How long before he threw us away too?

After giving Taylor her last gift he turned to me. "You check out what Santa left in the driveway for you?"

"Is it a trip back home?"

His brow creased. "You want to leave already?"

"You did say we could do whatever I wanted today," I pointed out.

"I didn't mean leaving. It's Christmas. Can't you try to enjoy yourself?"

"I'd rather spend it with mom," I told him. "Unless you need us to win points with another client by telling them about your single father struggles?"

"Is that what this is about. If it wasn't for me stretching the truth a little you wouldn't have that new car in the driveway." The way he said, like I should've been at his feet thanking him, made my blood run hot.

"Well, who needs a father when you have a shiny new car?" I stood, heading to the stairs.

He was right behind me, stopping at the bottom step. "You don't want the car, that's fine. But you're staying here as planned," he said, his tone final. "Your mom's at your Uncle's house for the holidays."

My body froze in the middle of the staircase. I turned to look at him. "So, I'm stuck here?"

He sighed, his tone becoming more calm. "Come on, Jade. I'm trying here."

"Trying to do what? Force me to be The Perfect Daughter?" I shot back. The anger I've held for him over the months since he left began to bubble over. "Just like you forced Mom to put her life on hold to so she could play your perfect wife?"

The silence that followed was loud. I wanted him to deny it. I wanted him to tell me that I was wrong. That we, his family, weren't just props in his life. But he didn't.

Instead he threw his hands up in defeat. "I give up. Think whatever you want about me, but you're still not leaving until your mom gets back." He went back into the living room. I could hear him telling Taylor not to eat the paper.

Once in my room I shut the door and stayed there for the rest of the day. I remained in my room for the rest of my stay at his house. Only leaving to hang out with my sister or restock the mini fridge or eat something hot.

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