58. Moments

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Prom was on Saturday and according to the latest poll on Bellcreek Baes, Nolan and I were in first place. Hopefully those results remained the same on Prom night. After the ups and downs and flips and turns of this year, we deserved a little good fortune from Bellcreek.

Part of me still worried about Mom, though. Since last Saturday she and Dad had been going back and forth over the phone. At that point I came to the conclusion that Dad's ego trumped logic.

If Dad did manage to convince a judge that Taylor should be with him Mom would be alone for the summer. I wouldn't be able to enjoy Europe or New York knowing Mom was home all alone. That's why I decided to make a final plea to my dad. I had to convince him to drop this nonsense and come up with a more reasonable plan.

School let out early that Friday, which was perfect. It'd be about ten hours round-trip to his house, so I was grateful for the early start.

My mind was so focused on what I was going to say to Dad that I almost didn't notice that my boyfriend was standing behind my car. I hit the brakes quick, my heart nearly jumping out my chest.

"What the hell, Nolan?" I scolded, clutching my chest. "Who stands behind a moving car?"

He walked around to the passenger side of the car and climbed in once I unlocked it. "I tried to get your attention," he told me as he adjusted the seat to give himself more leg room in my tiny bug. Once he was satisfied with his seat his golden eyes focused on me. "What's up? You've been zoned out all day."

"I need to talk to my Dad and talk him out of trying to get custody of Taylor."

There was a stretch of silence as he appeared to mull over what I said. "Hasn't your mom been trying to do that?"

"Yeah," I agreed, tapping my nails on the steering wheel. "But the whole reason he's doing this is because of me. I stopped talking to him and he thinks Taylor isn't going to want anything to do with him when she's old enough to make decisions for herself. So, maybe if I promised to call him every week or something...I don't know. I just need to do something. He's taken do much from my mom. He can't take Taylor, too."

He nodded understandably. "How are you going to do it?"

"I'm going to his house."

His brows shot up. "Today?" I nodded. "Now?"


He ran his through his hair. "That's...a long drive."

"Yeah, I know. That's why I wanted to start driving as soon as possible."

"Prom is tomorrow."

A smile tugged at my lips as his face contorted into a worried expression. "You think I'm going to miss our prom? After everything we've done to get to this point?"

"Alright, fine." He pulled the seat belt across his body, clicking it into place. "Let's go."

I stared at him in disbelief. "You're coming?"

"You'd rather drive all the way there alone?"

He had a point. So, I started up the car once more and headed out of the school parking lot.

* * *

Driving up my dad's winding driveway, the confidence I had in the school parking lot was nowhere to be found. What if I just made things worse? Dad was the most stubborn person I knew. Once he had his mind made up there was no changing it.

Nolan must've picked up on my hesitation to get out of the car. He turned to me, our eyes locked.

"He's still your dad," he said. "The one you grew up with. The one you actually liked."

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