59. Tonight (1)

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We didn't get back from Dad's until almost two in the morning. Thankfully Taylor had tired Mom out before I got back, the two of them were passed out on the couch.

I wasn't completely in the clear, though. When the sun came up Mom was up and she knew I wasn't home before curfew. She was even more angry when I told where I had been.

"You had no business going to see him," she said, her dark eyes seeming even darker.

"I know that now," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

Going over there hadn't helped things at all. Dad was as stubborn as ever. It was a waste of time. And gas.

Taylor grabbed my hand, obviously thinking I was taking too long to rip her pancakes into bite sized pieces. Mom said I didn't have to shred her food since she was nearly two, but I liked to be extra cautious. And with the way she stuffed each piece into her mouth, it seemed like the best choice.

"Jade," Mom said. She was behind me now, a hand on my shoulder. "I know you want to help, but you have so much else to worry about. Like prom, graduation. That art class in New York."

My eyes darted up at her. "You know about that?" I hadn't mentioned it because I still wasn't a hundred percent sure I was going.

"I found the letter in your room."

My eyes widened. She was going through my things again.

"I wasn't snooping," she said quickly. "Tay got into your room and—Well, I don't have to explain myself to you. I pay rent, you don't."

I narrowed my eyes at her, but I couldn't argue with that.

"How is it going to work out with the Europe trip?" She asked.

That was a good question. I didn't want to tell her that I submitted the art class application while Nolan and I were on our break and I thought England was off the table. So, I shrugged.

"I hadn't thought that far ahead, honestly."

Her brow raised. "You, Jade Harris, didn't completely over think something?"

I playfully rolled my eyes at her and continued to feed my sister.

* * *

After breakfast I went up to my room. My phone, which I left on my bed, was ringing when I got there. Bee's face was on my screen.

"Good morning, Bianca," I said.

"Good morning, Jade." Her voice so full of sunshine she didn't mind hearing her full name. "Prom starts in seven hours!"

I smile stretched across my face. When I woke up and saw April 11th circled multiple times on my calendar it hadn't really hit me. But now, hearing Bee's excitement over the phone I felt it.

It was a strange feeling of infinite possibilities. Like, anything could happen. Everything had been leading up to that moment and it had finally arrived.

"So," Bee said, her voice all business. "Our nail appointment is in an hour, followed by hair and eyebrows. Did you make a wax appointment?"

"No," I said, wincing at the thought of ripping hair out of my body. "I prefer to shave my own legs."

"J, sweetie, it's prom night," she said. " I wasn't talking about legs..."

Oh. That sounded a million times worse than having my legs waxed. "I'll pass."

"Oh," she sang over the line. "Nolan likes the bush."

"Bee!" I groaned.

She giggled through the phone. "I'll pick you up in thirty."

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