57. The Prom Wars (3)

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As we headed back to the field Nolan's hand found mine. Our fingers interlocked together just like they were meant to. I hadn't stopped smiling. When he caught me looking up at him he leaned down, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"You're back together!"

Nolan and I stopped in our tracks, turning to face Bee who smiled like a maniac, and Gia who was genuinely confused.

"What do you mean they're back together?" She asked her girlfriend before turning to us. "You broke up? When? Why? How did I not know this? But wait, you've been—"

Bee clamped a hand over Gia's mouth, muffling her words but not stopping her from talking.

"Seriously, I thought I was gonna have to lock you two dumbasses in a closet to get you to talk to each other."

"Being locked in a closet sounds better than this stupid competition," Nolan grumbled.

I didn't know it was possible, but I smiled even wider. We were back to us. Nolan smiled at me and made jokes. My presence didn't pain him. How could I have been so stupid and almost give him up?

"I missed your pessimism, Lanny," Bee said.

He cringed. "I thought we agreed to never use that name again."

"I never agreed to anything," she said. "And you two need this competition to win back voters. There was only so much Gia and I could do."

Gia removed Bee's hand from her mouth. "Oh, I almost forgot, Ana and Tiffany were talking in the girl's restroom. They plan on embarrassing you two during the challenges."

Bee cut her eyes at Gia. "How could you forget that?"

"I was coming to tell you, but then I saw the cutest little squirrel. I tried to think of a name for it, only I didn't know if it was a boy or girl. Also, why do most people automatically assume a squirrel is male? Like, there has to be female squirrels, too. Right? I just don't—"

"Gia," Bee said sharply. "Did they say anything else?"

"The next challenge is tug-of-war and they plan on making sure you two take a mud bath."

The animosity they had toward us began to bore me. High school was over in a few months and hopefully I never had to see Ana or Tiffany or Deshaun ever again.

"If they want to embarrass us they're gonna have to try harder than that," I said. "I've had people throw eggs at me and the whole school has seen Nolan's ass."

"Every time I block that memory out someone is kind enough to remind me."

"Sorry," I said, flashing him an apologetic smile. "My point is that we've been through so much shit this year, if they think a little mud is going to get under our skin they're sadly mistaken."

"Yeah, I don't care what they do out there," Nolan agreed. "I just want this to be over with. Jade and I have some catching up to do."

"Seriously, when did you two break up?"

Bee slung her arm around her girlfriend's shoulders as she led her towards the field. "It's a long story, babe."

* * *

Back on the field, tug-of-war was being set up. The kiddy pool filled with mud didn't even faze me. All I could focus on was the fact that Nolan and I were okay.

"I think the red team to should be in the front. They're the reason we almost lost the first round," Skye said, her boyfriend nodded in agreement. I was beginning to side with Nolan, they were annoying.

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