Chapter 4

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Sierra's POV

Mrs. Giovanni's son wasn't 11 no no not at all, he was a full grown adult. He looked like he was in his mid twenties. And my mind kept on wondering why he couldn't take care of himself. Well I guess if you grew up in this kind of environment you would need to be pampered 24/7 round the clock. I honestly couldn't blame him.

"Sierra I believe its rude for you to stare. Take a seat if you're done staring." And then I did take a seat. I tried to focus my eyes on any thing but him. His eyes were doing things to my stomach and then i realized those eyes were concentrated on the walls for a long time. Even when I stepped into his line of vision he didn't bat an eyelash. I was about to say hi when Mrs Giovanni spoke up.

"The reason why your here is to take care of him because he got Into an accident recently and he...." She stopped and sighed. "He lost his eye sight."

I was dumbfounded, I was shook, surprised every single word you could get from a dictionary that meant shock well that's how I felt. I didn't know what to say honestly, I wondered how someone like him could loose his eye sight.
And then I turned towards him and said the first words that entered my brain. "I'm so sorry to hear that." And then he spoke.

"You really don't need to be, you weren't the one that hit me." His tone sounding as bored as ever. Even though he didn't really speak to me with a pleasant tone, I still couldnt get my mind off of his voice. It sounded like butter like I know what butter sounds like and it made my insides do somersaults. Like Simmone Biles type of somersaults.

After that we went straight to dinner. Nothing was said on the table, the only thing you could hear was the clattering of knifes and forks on ceramic plates. I was always talkative when it came to dinner time so this atmosphere was killing me. I couldn't wait for dinner to be over and done with. I was finally done and i was about to go up into my room when Mrs. Giovanni called me back.

"Where are you off to?" I gave her a subtle duhhh look. Like where would I be going to if not my temporary room. "Im going to my room. As dinner is over."

"I see that but don't you know you are meant to take Gabriel back to his room? That's part of your job you know. You didn't come over here to have a vacation." And i was like bruh, last I remembered I wasn't the one who brought him down for dinner but since I'm a polite young lady I smiled and nodded my head and went back into the dining room or rather hall cause this place was massive.
I saw him sitting at the same spot when I returned I didn't know what to say, this would be really awkward I bet. And then I approached him and cleared my throat. His face snapped to where he heard the sound come  from and he look directly Into my eyes like he could see me and when he did that I totally forgot what i was here for. Like all rational thoughts went out the window.
"Uhmmm Mr. Gabriel sir." I didn't know what to call him and i didn't want to get into trouble so i decided to give him every single title he had and see what happens. He didn't even say a word. Well I tried. And then I continued.

"I was asked by your mother to take you back up to your room." And then he held out his left hand to me and I took it. I was so dumb that I started imagining us dancing In the middle of a big banquet together. My imagination was on full activation mode. And then I helped him up and t i tried to steady him on my body cause he was so heavy. And with slow steps we went out of the dining hall and up the stairs and that's when it hit me that I didn't know what floor his room was on. And almost simultaneously he said it was on the second floor and he also gave me  directions on how to get there. When he said it was on the second floor my mind started going into over drive as I noted both of our rooms were on the same floor. Like that meant anything. And then I heard myself say "yeah right." Oh my God that was supposed to be in my head. I'm totally  and utterly stupid.

"Is there a problem, Miss?" He said in the form of a question and i remembered not introducing myself to him, like I needed to when his mum called my name over 4 times at the dining table.

"Its Miss. Sierra sir." "So is there a problem, or were you just talking to yourself?"

"There's absolutely no problem sir. We have finally arrived." I sounded too Sweet for my own liking. I opened the door to his room and gasped. I thought I had seen it all but his room was another masterpiece and i thought my room was all that. His room was my room but multiplied by 8, it was gigantic and beautiful. It was so ethereal. Now this room fit into the theme of the rest of the house unlike my room. It was honestly heavenly. It had cream coloured walls and the roof was painted in the form of a sky with clouds and angels, there were brown curtains draped on all the windows and a big ass bed in the middle of all this glory. If i had this room at my house it would be just for picture purposes. I don't think I'd let anyone sleep in it. He all but ordered me to drop him on his bed and so i did. "Do you need me to help you with any other thing sir." I asked quite politely even surprising myself in the process.

"Yes could you help me run a bath and get me something fresh to put on"
Well shit just got real. I don't think I can handle touching his underwear I'd probably pass out on his closet floor but putting that at the back of my mind. I walked into his closet and it was as big as my room back home no scratch that it's bigger than my room back home. Looking around and getting lost in his closet wasn't part of the deal. But I finally found something he could change into. Putting on a professional front I chose a suitable underwear for him. I brought everything out and went straight into his bathroom and ran him a bath and got every other thing ready for him . Walking out of his  bathroom, I helped him up and took him into it. I was honestly praying he wouldnt tell me to undress him cause boy ..... I wasn't ready for that not at all, my eyes and body was still virgin and i intended to keep it that way for some time.
After i properly showed him where everything was and in what order I placed it; I was ready  to take my leave when he suddenly stopped me and what came out of his mouth will have me blushing for the whole night.

"Thank you, Sierra." I almost melted and with a 'your welcome' I all but ran out Of there like a love sick puppy. And when I came out of his room; I realized our rooms were opposite each other. I smiled and walked into my room. Getting changed for bed,I realized I hadn't called my mum so I did. After 2 rings she picked up the phone.

"Well it took you long enough."she said.

"I'm sorry mum, I was occupied with packing and dinner and this place isn't in the city at all. It's so nice here and it's really big." I was going on and on about how great this place was.

"I'm glad to hear you're okay Sisi. If something happens make sure you call me okay? And I'd set Mrs. Giovanni straight." Yeah right like you could do anything but i said this in my mind obviously.

"Yeah yeah mum I will. Tell Alexis i said hi and have a good night's sleep okay mama bear?" She laughed hard at the nickname me and my sister used to call her when we were in high school cause of all the nagging she gave us. With a goodnight from her end I ended the call and waddled to bed, got in and put of the lights on the bedside table and closed my eyes, this wasn't a bad idea after all and with that I fell Into darkness as sleep took over my body.

          Picture of Gabriel's room

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          Picture of Gabriel's room.

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