Chapter 40

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Sierra's POV

A month had passed since I asked Gabriel to talk to Luca about the whole situation with Alexis.

Alexis couldn't bear the thought of losing her baby after she heard it's heartbeat. She had come to terms with being a mother. And now the next obstacle she had to face was telling our Mum about the baby she was carrying as it was getting a little harder to conceal the fact she was pregnant. Mum had started getting suspicious also so she wanted to talk to her over dinner today, Gabriel and even Luca were coming over for dinner today. Mum thought Luca was coming over as Gabriel's best friend but little did she know there was more to his invitation.

I was nervous as excited at the same time. Nervous for the fact this dinner could end before it started and excited because this was the first time Gabriel was coming over for dinner. Mum had accepted the fact we were together and I could also see she was excited for me too, to finally get the happiness I deserved as she tagged it.

Gabriel and I's relationship had been going stronger than ever, even when the cloud of his mother's disapproval was hanging over us, we decided to overcome it together. We had already been separated once and we both didn't want that to happen again.

I was currently getting ready for dinner, I was putting on a really cute black dress and I was touching up my face. I didn't want to put on too much makeup as I was going for a simple look since I was already home. There wasn't a need to go all out, I was eating with family; the people I loved.

Gabriel's POV
  Today was the day when I got to have dinner with Sierra's family.

When she told me a month ago about the fact her mother accepted our relationship, I was so ecstatic. So I was really looking forward to dinner to get myself acquainted with both her mom and sister. Even though I had met her sister more than once.

My mum was still in New York and I was getting fed up with her continuous behaviour. She didn't want me to have anything to do with Sierra but she still hadn't given me a legible reason. I didn't want to exchange words with her today but I new I had no choice as I had to drop Bella off over at her place as they were meant to have a mother- daughter spa evening.

"You know Gab, I really don't want to go to mum's. She's going to be on my neck about following her back to Florida." Bella started. We were currently in my car on my way to Mums.

"Well, you have no choice. Okay? You haven't really spent much time with Mum since you got back from Australia. And she's your mum you can't say that about her."

"Urghhh but we all know it's true, she's always in everybody's business. The last time I was over at her hotel she was shouting at someone over the phone and then when I came in she went quiet. She's also down the throats of other people."

"Wait she was shouting at someone and then went quiet when you came in?" I asked Bella feeling quite confused.

"Yeah, come to think of it. It was very suspicious. After I left her room she started speaking in hushed tones. She said something like ' I'll transfer the cash immediately and then something like do it cleanly.' I wonder who was so important she didn't want me to know about "

What exactly could mother be up to? Should I ask her face to face or should I do a little digging. But digging would make me seek information from my father who I didn't want anything to do with, putting me in a tight spot.

"You know what Bella you worry a lot.  You know mum doesn't like talking about her business in front of everyone." I tried to keep Bella unsuspicious of her mum, leaving the burdens to me.
We were currently at mum's hotel suite.
"So you're actually going over for dinner at her place?"

"Yes mum I am. I've told you to drop this. Nothing you say will make me leave Sierra okayy? I'm leaving I might be late." And with that I left the kitchen and went to say goodbye to Bella, Informing I'd pick her up later and that she should get relaxed and have some fun.

The excitement I once felt over this dinner had slowly transformed into nervousness and also I felt like something would happen. Something bad at that.

Sarah Giovannis POV
Gabriel had pushed me to the wall, I didn't want to go ahead with this plan but it needed to be done at this point my secret could be out in the open and I didn't want to risk the secret of that faithful day come out, the secret that got me everything I had and owned now. I needed to protect what was mine at all cost. Samantha and her daughter's couldn't and won't take it away from.
(*Imagine her with folded arms and a mean smirk on her face.)

Sierra's POV
  Gabriel was finally here, Luca came before him and had been having a conversation with my mum for the past five minutes, ohh if she know about the secret behind his being here. Well, I knew apart from the fact he was Alexis' baby daddy; I could see there was definitely something between the two of them that was more done being co-parents. But they couldn't see it yet, it's funny how someone who claimed to be a smart and sensible couldn't figure out when she liked somebody. Oh well it isn't my life.

Gabriel had come in now and he was trying to woo my mum with flowers and a basket of fresh looking fruits.  Well he's really trying his best.

"You brought flowers for my mum and not the woman you're in love with." I said teasing him in a low whisper. And he froze not getting the joke in my voice. I couldn't help but laugh at his expression.

"Relax champ, I was just kidding." I said to him.

"Don't do that again. You almost gave me a heart attack." He said.

"I doubt a man fit like you could die out of a heart attack from just being joked with " I said back to him.

"You know what let's just go eat, okay?"

The night went on smoothly, we were all dreading the part where Alexis had to tell our mum what was up, we were currently done with dinner and was now sitted in the living room with dessert and coffee. Talking about work and out daily lives. When Alexis decided to bring up a sticky topic, I guess this was her way of roping in what she wanted to tell mum. Setting the foundation.

"Mum, how about having grandkids? Have you sat down and thought about that. I know you've been looking forward to that " she said making Luca choke on his cup of coffee.

"Well of course when you guys get married. That would be the most amazing thing in the world, having little yous running around. What if you have twins, that would be so cute" she went on and on. Okay Alexis cue it in now.

"What if uhmmm I told you, you would be uhmmm one in eight months?" The whole room went dead silent, this was it. The climax now was mum's reaction.

"So you're saying in essence you're pregnant?" She said in a fairly calm Tone.

"Yes, I'm 5weeks pregnant." Alexis said with her head down. At this point I was seated beside my sister giving her moral support to speak up.

"5weeks?!" Mom exclaimed.

"So you've been pregnant for five weeks and you didn't care to tell your mum?" Mum said sounding more hurt towards the fact she didn't tell her immediately than the fact she was actually pregnant.

"Mum, I'm sorry. I was scared I didn't know how you would react. I was scared you would reject this whole situation. I know I'm not a kid and can make my own decisions but I was ashamed because you brought us up different. I was even considering a***tion and that made me more embarrassed." At this point it was all water works. Gabriel and Luca were as quiet as could be, you could hardly hear them breathe.

"Come here." Mum said with tears in her eyes.

Alexis walked towards where she was sitted, Mum stood up from her seat and gave Alexis a breathtaking hug.

"Next time you don't tell me all this from the beginning I'm going to give you a beating okay?" Awwnn such a moment. After all the dramatics was done mum finally asked the question we had all been anticipating.

"So, who's the dad?" All three of us subtly looked over at Luca's direction but mum was quick to catch on.

Chapter 40 done, vote, comment and recommend guys. Borahae 💜

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