Chapter 28

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Sierra's POV
  It was currently Wednesday and I was at our restaurant. Our employee schedule had not changed, I was worried Gabriel wouldn't be okay without me there as he just came to our office but he sent a text assuring me he was doing well, no sooner had he sent the text I got a call from him.
"Hey Sierra, I was just wondering if you could help me with that thing I asked you the other day. My sister would be coming with me to your restaurant today with me you know for lunch." I wasn't really busy today anyway so I could join them for a while during lunch, I guess.
"Sierra? Are you there?"
"Uhh Yes, I'll join you for lunch and we can discuss that when you get here. Can't wait to meet your sister." I genuinely said, I remember her from his stories he told me and she seemed like a sweet girl.

Gabriel had texted me and told me he had gotten here, and he went into the  room where he normally stayed to have lunch for the past two days. No doubt he was with his sister too. I relieved myself of my duty and made someone else in charge for a while. I knocked on the door asking for permission to come in, he let me in and I walked in to see his sister sitting across from him facing away from the door, then she finally turned around and I was standing face to face with the girl who I had just met the other day at the ice cream shop.

So she was his sister? I knew I had felt that aura somewhere. She ran towards me embracing me in a hug and bringing me out of my sudden state of reverie. Not knowing what to do exactly I wrapped my arms around her too. Meanwhile Gabriel was still seated looking confused and perplexed at the scene unfolding in front of him. You could see the confusion all over his face.
  His sister finally let go of me.
"Hiiii, I knew we would meet each other again. I'm Bella." She said with a sweet smile.
"You did say that, Sierra. I'm your brothers P.A." she looked so shocked and amused after I told her that.
"You're my brothers P.A? OMG I knew we would meet but never in this way. That makes things easier for me I guess." She said with a shrug and a smile confusing me in the process. What did she even mean by that.
"So wait how did you guys meet?" Gabriel stood up from his seat still looking confused.
"Uhmm you know the person I told you I bumped into at the Ice cream shop. She's the one and only." After she said that he nodded his head in realization. He looked like he wanted to say something more but he didn't budge.
"So tell me how is it working with my brother." She quickly sat down and offered me a seat beside her.
"Well, we just started working together two days ago so there isn't much to say. But he's a good boss." I replied sincerely.
"That's no fun. Make sure when all the juicy stuff starts happening you tell me okay?" She said that like Gabriel wasn't even in the room. Really though, juicy stuff like what? Bella was getting way ahead of herself. The atmosphere felt awkward so to clear it up as much as I could I asked if they were ready to make their orders.

"Aren't you having lunch with us?" I wanted to reply about how I just came over here to help for some minutes with places for her to visit and not for lunch but Gabriel jumped in.
"She's having lunch with us. Aren't you Sierra?"
What exactly was he thinking in that head of his. As much as I wanted to stay here and have a chat with Bella I didn't also want to stay here having lunch with him. Well technically Sierra it's not just him, his sister's here too. My subconscious reminded me. True, but it was the same thing anyway.

"Uhm Bella, Sierra here is going to take you around. You know I don't really know places here." Gabriel started the conversation of my apparent your guide job.
"When are we going?" Bella asked looking excited.
"This weekend, if it's okay with you?"
"Of course, so is my brother coming along? You know he also doesn't know anywhere around here." She said looking between the both of us.
"Yeah, sure he can come if he wants too."
"That's it, Gab you're coming with us."
He just answered with a shrug of his shoulders. Lunch was finally over and I couldn't be more relieved. Before leaving Bella decided to get my number so she could talk to me about the outing we had this weekend and I didn't have a problem with that.

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