Chapter 5

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Sierra's POV

Getting up this morning I felt like the happiest woman on earth. I felt like I had everything; well almost everything. The birds outside were chirping with a melodious tone and that made me have a great feeling about today and i concluded today would be good in general. The only thing replaying in my head the whole night was his thank you, he sounded sincere about it and that just made more smiles appear on my face; we had such a long way to go and i was happy we atleast took a step in being less annoying to each other.

I rushed Into the bathroom and took the longest shower of my life thinking of how I'd go get permission from him to explore his house since that's honestly the right thing to do. Stepping out of the shower I put on some underwear and deodorant, put on my go to high waisted black jeans and a yellow crop top that said babyy girl in italic small black letters. I didn't want to do so much makeup today so i put on my mascara and applied lip gloss and put my hair up into a sleek top knot bun. Feeling satisfied with the way i looked, I dashed out of my room feeling as hungry as ever. I stopped on my way on the stairs when I remembered i had to also get him something for breakfast, having a sense of responsibility I rushed back upstairs and went straight to his room, on arriving there; I tried to put my ear on the door to search for any sounds or noises coming from his room when wham the door flung open. And a startled me fell face flat in front of Gabriel. I was so embarrassed and for the first time was happy that he couldn't see me even though I wish so bad that he had his eye sight back, I didn't want it for this moment.

"What happened and who is there?"
Clearing my throat and rising to my feet.

"Uhmm good morning Mr. Gabriel sir. It's Sierra. I'm so so sorry I hope you weren't startled. I just happened to be by the door when it was opened and then....." Too embarrassed to continue i kept quiet but then he raised an eyebrow up and urged me to continue with an and??

"And i fell on the floor. I'm so happy you didn't see that." Just after i said that I mentally face palmed myself. Like good job Sierra you'll finally make him hate you again. You and your enormously large mouth that never seems to shut up. Urghhhh.

Surprisingly he didn't say anything and we were standing there for a long time until I decided to break the awkwardness by asking him the question I came to ask in the first freaking place.

"Uhmm Sir, would you like it if I brought your breakfast up here. Because I wanted to have breakfast but then i remembered you haven't had anything since last night and it's like what? 12 noon and i couldn't let you be starved or hungry you know." And while I was rambling on and on he shushed me up.

"Has anybody told you, you talk too much? Cause if they haven't let me be the first to say it. Sierra you talk to damn much. If you're done with your 'let's save the earth' speech. Would you be kind enough to go down and get me something to eat. I wasn't even that hungry but hearing you talk just gave me an appetite. "
And this dude says i talk too much. With an eye roll I excused myself and told him to make himself comfortable and then i headed downstairs to get his breakfast.

I head into the kitchen to see what i can cook up real quick but on arrival everything had already been cooked and served on the island. The cooks I saw yesterday must have made it I thought. Just as I was about to take a tray and put everything I wanted to inside , an elderly woman walked into the kitchen. I greeted her good morning and she said same.

"Im Mrs.Buono darling. I couldnt introduce myself yesterday cause i was busy in the kitchen. I'm the head cook and maid here. I try to make sure everything is in order." I nod my head in understanding and also Introduce myself after that, not wanting to keep 'the Master waiting i rushed up the stairs with his food in hand. Balancing the try on one hand with my waiter experience I knocked on his door and told him i was back.

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