Chapter 2 training with the gods

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A/n hey guys welcome back so in this fanfic I'm gonna have great red and ophis get along for the story I apologize if you don't like that idea but oh well lol
Ddraig thinking

Issei was immediately on high alert over the mysterious figure until he heard ddraigs voice
"Hatchling stop this is ophis the Ouroboros dragon also known as the infinite dragon god" explained ddraig issei immediately started to kneel down in front of ophis as a sign of respect

"Your host is quite interesting ddrai" Said ophis
"Yes I agree to awaken me at his age is amazing" replied ddraig
Ophis walked towards issei looking at him with curiosity
" what is he ddraig I can tell he isn't Human" Said ophis
"Yes you are correct he is a fallen/dragon hybrid unfortunately his parents were just killed by the fallen angel Kokabiel"

At this ophis just looked at issei with an expressionless face
"Hmm if you have nowhere to go the how would you like me to train you? With my help you will become easily one of the top 10 strongest beings in existence" Said ophis

"Partner I think you should take her up on this offer there's nothing left for you in this town also with her help you WILL defeat the cadre in the future" Ddraig told issei through their mental link issei nodded
"Please train me ophis-sama I wish to become strong to avenge my parent and the future protect those I care about" said issei

"Very well then I will train you but first let's take care of the seal hiding your powers"
Ophis then put her hand to his chest suddenly a magic circle appeared with the infinity insignia on it with that 2 fallen angel wings and 2 dragon wings appeared on his back. Issei looked back at his wings in amazement

"I'll give you some of my power as well where we're going you're going to need it" Said ophis a black snake formed around her hand and disappeared into Isseis body through his chest.

At the sudden surge of power 2 more fallen angel wings suddenly appeared giving him a total of 6 wings 4 fallen and 2 dragon. Ophis suddenly waived her hand and a tear in the dimension suddenly appeared.

"Let's go host of ddraig" Said ophis
"My name is issei hyoudou ophis-sama" Said issei
Ophis looked at him with an expressionless face as always
"Very well then let us go then issei hyoudou" Said ophis

With that they entered the dimensional gap issei looked around into the void of what would be his new home until his training with ophis was done. In the distance he heard a loud roar, he looked up to see a large tear in the dimensional gap appeared and a giant red dragon appeared

'Issei get a good look that dragon is the ultimate dragon god the apocalypse dragon great red' Ddraig told issei through their mental link
Suddenly a bright light flashed and suddenly a man who appeared to be in his early 20s appeared

'Issei get a good look that dragon is the ultimate dragon god the apocalypse dragon great red' Ddraig told issei through their mental linkSuddenly a bright light flashed and suddenly a man who appeared to be in his early 20s appeared

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A/n great red human form

"Ne ophis-Chan who's the little guy?" Asked great red
"His name is issei hyoudou and he is going to be training with us for a while" replied ophis
Great red walked up to issei and knelt down to see him face to face he looked at him he looked at issei with a curious look

"He is also the host of ddraig baka-red" Said ophis
Great red deadpanned at this
"Ne ne ophis- chaaaaan when will you stop calling me Baka red?" Asked great red
"Whenever you drop the 'chan'" replied ophis
Great red deadpanned at this again with a sweat drop on this side of his forehead this time. Issei just looked in amazement as he watched the two bicker
"Anyways! If it isn't the self proclaimed red dragon emperor Ddraig-Chan how are you?" Asked great red
"I-I-I'm o-o-Kay ... great red sama I apologize for the name the biblical faction gave me I know you are the true red dragon emperor" a scared Ddraig Said from isseis gauntlet

" and don't you forget it !! Hahaha" great red said with a smile on his face as he was laughing until ophis came up and chop him on the back of his head with her hand
" OI ophis Chan what the hell was that for ?!?!" Yelled great read as he was rubbing the back of his head
" get to the point Baka red" dead panned ophis
Great red cleared his throat
"Back to business issei hyoudou I myself will train you along with ophis Chan so you may become the ultimate dragon of domination how does that sound ?" Asked great red

" please train me great red sama, ophis sama" Said issei as he kneeled down before them
"Very well" Said both dragons at the same time

10 year time skip

Over the course of 10 years issei has grown immensely strong or "O.P." As great red calls him. He can hold his balance breaker with no time limit, can hold juggernaut drive for a year without losing his sanity also unlocked a form that surpasses the juggernaut drive in terms of strength by gather the power of his dragon side and his fallen angel side issei named it the [angelic overdrive]

He now stands at a tall 6'2 has a lean muscular body with 6 pack abs due to all the training. He has 14 fallen angel wings and only 4 dragon wings but typically only show his dragon wings he can create light spears in less than a second and send them at targets at a blinding speed. He is also a master at elemental magic specifically fire and ice also figured out how to cut off someone else's magic with a snap of his fingers. Issei in angelic overdrive can go toe to toe with great red using 100% of his power but unfortunately red wins constantly putting issei easily at number on the top 10 strongest beings in existence since ophis and red are tied at number 1

Over the course of 10 year issei great red and ophis have become more like family. Great red and ophis think of issei as their little brother while issei refers them as ophis nee San and red nii San.

As issei stands there on some rocks floating around the dimensional gap while great red and ophis sit there issei turns to them

"Ophis nee San, red nii San" said issei
Great red looks at him
" is something troubling you little brother ?"
Asked great red
"Not at all brother just thinking I've been here in the dimensional gap for 10 years I believe it's time for me to go home and start the reason I came here in the first place don't you think?" Asked issei
"You're right little brother alright I'll take you back I'll ask for one of the faction leaders to build you a home since you'll need a place to stay. Also I'll be stopping by every now and then" Said ophis

" hai ophis nee San" replied issei

'Looks like I'm going home' thought issei

Bang that's it for the chap let me know what you think please also maybe Harem ?no harem?

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