Chapter 10 confrontaion!

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A/n hey guys I'm back with another chapter just want to give a quick shout out to the people who have been following the story so far thank you guys ! But anyways let's get to it.

Ddraig talking
Ddraig thoughts

Issei awoke in the morning and spoke to spoke to Ddraig.
'So the search for kokabiel starts today huh?' Thought issei
"Indeed partner it does will you be okay seeing him again? Remember enough rage and you'll loose control and trigger juggernaut drive" Ddraig replied
'I know that's the last thing I want no one would be able to stop me'

Issei was shaken out of his thought when he felt movement on his chest. He lifted the covers to find serafall stirring awake.
"Good morning beautiful" said issei
"Good morning my love what time is it?" She asked as she gave him a quick good morning kiss. Issei looked at the clock by his bed
"It's 7:15" he said
"I should go. I have a meeting with sirzechs-Chan and Ajuka-Chan at 8:30 and still have to go home and get ready" she said as she got up
"Also shouldn't you be getting ready for school?" She asked
"No. I'm not going till after this whole thing blows over I already sent Sona a message she said it's understandable and she'll make up an excuse" he replied.

Serafall then looked at him with a serious expression on her face
"Is everything okay babe?" He asked as he sat up
"Listen I know you can beat him but still be careful okay? I don't want you getting hurt" she said as a magic circle appeared under her.

Issei got up and walked to her
"Don't worry I'll be careful" he said as he kissed her
"Good I'm going now. Let me know how everything goes okay?" She replied
"Sure honey"
"I love you" she said
"I love you too" replied issei as she disappeared
'Well I should get some breakfast can't hunt down a crow on an empty stomach' thought issei.

Issei went downstairs to see Asia finishing making breakfast while irina and xenovia were sitting at the table.
"Good morning guys" he said as they looked at him
"Good morning issei-nii have a seat and I'll serve you some food" said asia. Issei nodded and sat in front of the two girls.
"So girls what's the plan for today?" Asked issei as Asia brought him his breakfast which was eggs,bacon,and spam.
"Well xenovia and I were going to check out the shrines and the old church to possibly find some clues" said Irina
"Why don't I just ask my uncle to see if he has any leads?" Asked issei
"Uncle? Who's your uncle?" Asked xenovia
"Azazel" he replied
"Yeah" said issei

Both girls just looked at him shocked about how easy going he was being
"Wait. Question couldn't you just ask him to deal with kokabiel?" Asked xenovia
"Nope. It would cause too much of a riot within the grigori" he replied

They finished their breakfast and got ready to go search for the swords. They met at the front door and were about to leave when issei spoke up
"You girls go on ahead I have to go talk to my older siblings about something" he said
"Okay sure issei just catch up when you can" replied irina
"Will do" he replied with a smile.

With that the two exorcist left and issei turned to Asia
" stay here Asia you'll be safe if you stay home" he said
"Right issei-nii just be careful" she replied
Issei nodded as a purple magic circle appeared on his hand with an infinity symbol on it and lifted his hand towards the wall and a tear in the dimension appeared and issei stepped through.

(The dimensional gap)

Issei appeared in the gap and looked around
'Well home sweet home' he thought
'Now where are those two?'
Issei closed his eyes to try to pin point the location of his siblings.
'Found them' he thought as he released his fallen wings and flew towards the destination

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