The game ! Part 1

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A/n what's up guys back again with another chapter hope everyone is enjoying this thus far. Well let's get to it

Ddraig thinking

Issei awoke to the smell of of food being made to realize that he's on the couch
'Thats right rossweisse is here now. I should talk to uncle  about getting a bigger place to accommodate everyone' he thought as he sat up and stretched
"Oh issei nii you're awake good morning" issei turned around to see Asia
"Oh hey Asia good morning sorry I couldn't really talk to you much yesterday how is your training ?" Asked issei
"It's going good I'm pretty have the hang of it all" she replied as issei stood up and walked towards her
"Good. I'm proud of you Asia keep up the good work" he said as he patted her head
"Good morning Asia, issei Sama" said rossweisse as she walked into the room
"Rossweisse just issei is fine if we're not in a political setting" said issei as he deadpanned
"No can do issei sama in Asgard we're taught to show respect to our superiors from a very young age" she explained
"Riiiight well how'd you sleep?" He asked as he sat down at the table
"Very well thank you" she smiled as she sat down as well
"Good morning everyone" said xenovia as she came to the table
" good morning xenovia" all three replied
"Where's irina?" Asked issei
"Sleeping like a rock like always. I'll never understand how she sleep so heavily even in the church it took forever to wake her up" she replied
Issei just laughed
"Yeah that sounds like her" he said as he smiled. Asia had made breakfast while rossweisse set the table they had all started eating when irina came into the dining room
"Good morning everyone" she said as she yawned
"Well look who's finally up" said issei
"Hey it's not my fault! I'm so used to sleeping next to you it took me forever to asleep last night" she replied
"Yeah yeah just come and eat breakfast" he said They all ate in comfortable silence at the end of breakfast issei broke the silence
"So I got a few things to do today I have to go to my uncles then go speak to sona about getting rossweisse on staff then rias so you guys go on ahead and I'll catch up with you guys at school rossweisse you're gonna have to come with me so sona can meet you." Said issei
"Hai issei Sama" she said as used magic to change into her business suit. Issei just gave her an unamused look He still doesn't like being referred to as Sama in a non political setting
"Riiight Well rossweisse lets go" he said as he made a magic circle big enough for the two of them
"Bye you two we'll see you at school" said Asia as all 3 of the girls waved at them
"I'll try to make sure not to be too late oh and xenovia"
"Yes issei?" She asked
"Please keep your hands off kiba long enough to pay attention in class" he said as he smirked and with that they were gone leaving Asia and irina trying to contain their laughter while xenovia was making a pouting face

(Scene change azazels place)

Issei and rossweisse teleported into azazels apartment to hear a voice from the kitchen
"Issei?" Asked raynare
"Hey raynare I came to speak to uncle by the way raynare this is rossweisse a new addition to the gang she's a rook rossweisse this is my cousin raynare she like Asia is a bishop" explained issei
"A pleasure meet you raynare San" said rossweisse as she bowed
"A pleasure to meet you as well" she replied giving a small bow as well As they heard a voice come into the living room
"Well Well well if it isn't my traitor of a nephew. You have some nerve coming here after that little stunt you pulled brat" said azazel as a tic formed on his head
"Awe come on uncle it wasn't so bad was it?" Asked issei
"You have no idea of what that women did to me" azazel paled at the memory alone
"To be fair I did tell you to go to the Grigori to get to work but no you decided to play smash bro's all day instead" said issei as he rolled his eyes
"Why you disrespectful little shit"
"Bring it old man!"  The two were cut off by the sound raynare clearing her throat
"In case you two forgot we have a guest here" she said. Issei cleared his throat
"Uncle this is rossweisse a former valkyrie and my new rook" he said
"As so you're the one old man Odin left here" said azazel 
"h-hai....." she said in a depressed tone
"I apologize if I brought up a bad memory my name is azazel" he said
"Ah so you're the leader of the fallen angels" she said
"That's right now onto business issei what is it that you need?"he asked
"Right well since Odin left rossweisse here" he turned to her to see her huddle up in a corner with a depressed aura around her
"She has nowhere to stay so I took her in I was wondering if you had any connections to help get a bigger place to accommodate everyone" issei asked
"Yeah I do consider it done" azazel replied
"Right well that's all I have to go speak with sona still so speak to you too later" said issei as he made a magic circle for him and rossweisse
"Right expect that house to be ready by time you get home from school" said azazel
"Right thank you uncle" said issei as he nodded and they left

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