Chapter 23 lets go to kyoto!

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A/n what's up everyone back again with another chapter thank you to everyone showing the story some love anyways let's get to it
Ddraig thinking

It had been a week since the whole ordeal with diodora in the underworld and issei was waking up for school feeling excited they would be leaving for Kyoto on a school field trip the next day as always issei found himself unable to get up due to a chestnut colored hair girl sleeping on his chest
'I love irina and all but I really don't wanna be late' he thought as he tried to shake awake only to be met with the same response as every other day..... nothing.
'Come on irina I have to go to the bathroom' he thought
"Irina come on wake up" he said as he shook her again
"5 more minutes..." she replied sleepily
'Good a response we're making progress ddraig' he thought
"The fact that you have to go through this every morning entertains me" Said ddraig as he laughed
'Thanks for the help buddy' issei thought sarcastically
" help? And miss you struggling ha!" Ddraig replied
'Guess I have to do this myself' he thought as he shook irina again only to be met with the same results
"Alright hard way it is then" he said out loud as he charged up some lighting magic in his and with a quick zap irina shot off from the bed onto the floor
"Issei what the hell?!" She yelled out
"Don't what the hell me I tried to wake you up gently but apparently you only respond to a rude awakening" said issei as he stood up from the bed and walked towards the bathroom and handled his business.

Issei walked downstairs to see everyone at the table already eating breakfast and a plate for him and sat down
"Good morning issei nii do you have plans today?" Asked Asia
"Well after school I have to stop by azazels he said he has something for me so I'm gonna see what it is" he replied
"What about you?" He asked
"Rias San asked if I could teach akeno some healing magic since he isn't too proficient in it" she replied
"But I thought it was all the sacred gear" he said as he lifted up an eyebrow
"While I do mostly use twilight healing I'm proficient in healing magic in general" she explained
"Huh you learn something new everyday" he said as he continued eating
"Sera Chan wants me to go over to keep her company while she does paper work" said irina
"Oh? That sounds..... boring" issei replied
"Well it would be but talking to her makes it fun" Irina said as she smiled. They finished up breakfast in a comfortable silence and went to school

(Time skip after school)

Class had ended and issei decided to walk Asia to the club room along with xenovia since she wanted to see kiba rossweisse had teacher work to do that day and irina had already left to be with serafall. They approached the orc club room and issei knocked on the door
"Come in" he heard rias say from the other side And they all walked in
"Oh issei, xenovia what a nice surprise. Hello Asia I was expecting you" said rias as she smiled
"Hello rias I decided to walk Asia over before I go see what my uncle wants and xenovia wanted to see kiba" said issei as he turned towards the couple who were already hugging
"It's no problem at all we don't have much going on today anyways since Kibas trip to Kyoto is tomorrow with your class he has free time" she explained
"Okay cool I'll be going then girls get home safe" Said issei as he made a magic circle underneath him
"Haiii" they both replied and with that issei left

(Scene change azazels apartment)

Issei teleported into azazels apart to find him once again playing smash bros
"You know eventually you have to go to work" said issei as he deadpanned
"You know eventually you have to mind your own business" azazel replied sarcastically
"Anyways what do you want?" Asked azazel as he turned his system off
"What do you mean? You told me to come here" issei replied as he rose an eyebrow
"Oh....right..." replied azazel as he walked towards his desk and started to look through the drawers
"Where is it where is it.... ah! Here it is!" Said azazel as he lifted up a couple sheets of paper And handed them to issei
"What are these?" He asked
"These my boy is how you'll get to enjoy Kyoto. See Kyoto is apart of the yokai faction and these paper are some what of a passport if you will the biblical factions and the yokai have had some what of a rocky relationship for a while and they won't let you near their shrine without one of these on you I gave you one for each member of your peerage so they can enter as well" explained azazel
"Oh okay yeah these will definitely come in handy when we're there." Said issei as he put the papers in his pocket
"Also issei be careful I've been hearing that the khaos brigade might be on the move" said azazel with a serious face
"Alright I'll keep that in mind" replied issei he was about to make a magic circle to leave when he noticed another magic circle appear and out came out raynare and familiar blonde friend
"Oh hello issei" said raynare as she waved at him
"You remember my friend Mittelt right?" She asked
"Right you were the one I saved from the church that night" said issei as he extended his hand
"Hello again mr red dragon emperor it's good to see you again" she said as she took his hand and shook
" please just issei is fine" he said as he smiled
"It's been a while since we've last seen each other where have you been?" Asked issei
"I've been working under penemue Sama ever since you saved me" she replied
"Oh speaking of which where is aunty penemue?" He asked
"Oh she has a few meeting to attend to with shemhazai" replied Mittelt
"Oh really? I wonder why the actual faction leader isn't there" said issei as he looked towards azazel
"Hey kid again mind your own business" replied azazel as he waved his hand in a dismissing manner
"Maybe I would mind my own business if your would get your ass to work old man" issei replied as a tick mark appeared on his head
"I am working!" Azazel yelled back
"On what? Not getting 3 stocked by kids online?!" Issei yelled back
"Seems like I came at a bad time" said a voice in the corner of the room everyone turned to see vali
"Vali? What are you doing here?" Asked issei
"Well I came to discuss some things with azazel but I also looking for a spar today so it's two birds with one stone" replied vali with a shrug
"Well I'm kind of not up to it right cause I go on a trip tomorrow" replied issei
"But how bout we play smash instead?" Asked issei
"Hmmm alright I guess but you owe me that spar when you get back" replied vali
"Yeah no problem" he replied as they both sat down on the couch pick up a controller
"Hold up I want in" said azazel
"Shouldn't you be helping aunty penemue with work?" Asked issei
"Yeah he should" replied raynare as she grabbed azazels ear
"Ow raynare let go come on just one game" azazel begged
"Fine but after we leave" she replied
"Since we're playing a game I'll join in!" Said Mittelt
"Sure grab a controller" Said issei as the other two grabbed a controller and sat down and played

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