Chapter 32 the rematch! Part 2

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A/n what's up everyone back again with part 2 of the last chapter I hope everyone's enjoying the story so far well let's get to it
Ddraig thoughts

Irina and Heracles went at each other at blinding speeds Heracles threw a punch at her abdomen which she blocked with a magic circle and irina tried to stab him with a light spear which he caught
"I thought you said we weren't holding back?" Said irina
"I can say the same for you" replied Heracles when they separated
"Alright then let's take it up a notch" said irina as she made a blue magic circle on her hand and her eyes glowed blue
"Frozen hell!" She yelled out as spikes of ice came from the ground and shot up at Heracles who managed to narrowly dodge it but failed to notice that Irina was already on him like a hawk and she kicked in in the side shattering a few ribs and sent him flying into the ground
"You're smarter and tougher than I thought" said Heracles as he coughed up blood trying to get himself up
"You're in the way of me helping my king so I need to finish this fast" replied irina as she threw a spear of light only for Heracles to catch it once again she was already on him
"You gotta be faster than than or you'll die" she said as she stabbed another spear of light through the side she had just kicked him in and kicked him away. He was on the ground bleeding with a gaping hole on his side he coughed up blood.
"How? You weren't this strong last time" he said as he managed to get himself up
"Last time was just to feel you out a bit. Now I'm taking you seriously" she's said as she made another magic circle on her hand and once again ice spikes came out from the ground Heracles only able to narrowly escape as Irina throwing a hail of light spears at him not letting up he kept running until he felt a spear go through his thigh and shoulder and fell to his knees on the ground and felt a small burning sensation on his neck and saw it was Irina holding a sword of light at his neck with her 10 fallen wings out
"You've put up quite the fight be quick to strike me down" said heracles as he closed his eyes and accepted his fate only to feel her pull the sword away he opened his eyes and saw her looking into the distance
"What are you doing?" He asked
"Sparing your life for now until my king decides what to do with you" she replied as she snapped her fingers and put him in a barrier that stopped his bleeding as well
"The barrier I put you stopped your bleeding too you'll survive until issei and cao cao are done until then you're not going anywhere" she said as she retracted her wings
"Why not just kill me" asked Heracles
"Call it an act of mercy" she replied as she felt isseis power clashing with Cao caos
"They really are something aren't they?" Asked Heracles figuring he might as well make conversation since he isn't going anywhere
"Yeah they are they both have a Longinus and know how to use them" replied irina and she felt isseis power flare and a large Barrier go around where they were fighting and put her hand up to assist
'It must be getting bad to go into that mode please be careful love' she thought
(With issei and cao cao)

They had just separated from the group in a far distance
"Well I kicked your ass last time I really hope you were holding back" said issei as he stretched
"Please I allowed you to hit me back in Kyoto this time will be different" said cao cao
"Let's see what you got then" said issei as he got a serious look on his face
"Balance break" both said in unison

[welsh dragon balance breaker]

Issei looked at cao cao and noticed there were 7 orbs floating behind him
"The fuck? You got truth seeker orbs?" Asked issei
"I see your a fan of naruto. But I call this my polar night Longinus chakravartin and these are the seven treasures what they do I'll let you find out" replied cao cao and he twirled his spear and pointed it to issei
"Be careful partner you're about to take on the true Longinus it's time to focus" said ddraig through their mental link
'I know I don't know what any of those orbs actually do I need to think of something but first I gotta see what the do this might hurt it might not' thought issei as he took a battle stance
"Whenever you're ready red dragon emperor" said cao cao as he smirked And issei flew towards him at blinding speeds sending a punch at cao cao who just
blocked it with his spear but there was enough force behind the punch it created a crater underneath them both
[boost boost boost boost] roared out ddraig as the crater got deeper issei was staring down cao cao
"Atsusa Ratana" said cao cao as he disappeared sending issei crashing into the ground
"Did he just teleport" said  issei as he got up
"I did" said cao cao appeared behind him kick him in his ribs sending him flying into the ground
"Alright that hurt Well would you look at you're already doing better than last time" said issei as he stood up and his armor was regenerating.
"Now let's try this again" said issei as he spread his wings and took off towards cao cao. Cao cao brought his spear up to block but in a short burst of speed issei disappeared and reappeared on cao caos side returning the favor and punching cao cao in the ribs sending him flying back.
"I have to admit I wasn't expecting that" said cao cao as he stood up wiping the blood off his mouth Issei didn't reply instead he re took a battle stance
"How bout we take this to the sky's hatsutei Ratana" said cao cao as he started levitating And issei slightly widened his eyes
"But you're human. How?" Asked issei
"One of the 7 treasures now prepare yourself" said cao cao as he flew towards issei at fast speed issei barely had time to react as they were exchanging blows in the air going back and forth land punch for punch neither were letting up as blood was coming from cao caos mouth and isseis armor was chipping apart
"Atsusa Ratana" said cao cao as he teleported behind issei and lodged his spear into his shoulder
"AAAAAHHHHHHH" issei screamed out in pain as he was kicked to the ground. He was getting up when he coughed up blood and noticed the hole on his shoulder. He was bleeding. A lot.
'Ddraig help?' Asked issei through their mental link
"I'm trying " replied ddraig as the armor repaired slowly
"Ok let's try this" said issei as he flew towards cao cao at blinding speeds and was in front of him and made a ball of energy appeared in front of his fist
"Dragon shot!" Yelled issei
"Mala Ratana" said cao cao as the dragon shot redirected to the ground and cao cao stabbed at issei again but issei flew back to gain some distance
'So this isn't going as I thought it would' thought issei
"You think?" said ddraig
'Ddraig now is not the time for your sarcasm I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm actually losing this fight' thought issei as cao cao appeared in front of him and stabbed him in the abdomen. Issei spit out blood as he went wide eyed
"You cant beat me like this issei hyoudou" said cao cao as he removed the spear and kicked him into the ground. Issei laid on the ground holding down the gaping hole in his abdomen
'Ddraig... help..' thought issei when he noticed a barrier go up around them cao cao noticed it too as he looked around
"Issei! You have to enter the angelic overdrive at this Rate  with that teleportation ability of his the juggernaut drive is too slow your friends have prepared a barrier for you" said ddraig Issei nodded and weakly started the chant as he stood up

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