Chapter 16 battle in the underworld!

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A/n hey guys back again with another chapter wanted to apologize for the delay in chapters been busy lol anyways let's get to it
Ddraig thoughts

From up in the air by the ceiling in the hall Loki was glaring at issei
"I told you not you call me that. you may be strong for a fallen but you are still no match for a god" said Loki with venom in his voice
"Alright just relax why are you trying to stop the peace Loki?" Asked issei
"My father is a fool for even considering this treaty with you all seeing as you're all beneath us in terms of strength it'll just make us look weak" he said
"Loki if you return to Asgard this minute I will forgive you for what you're doing" said Odin
"What you need to do is see my way of things" spat Loki as he started up a Norse magic circle aimed at Odin until he was forcefully teleported out by another green magic circle
"That should buy us some time but considering he is a god it'll give us about two hours before he breaks out of the seal I have him in" said a voice behind issei.

Issei turned around to see a man with green hair
"Nice save Ajuka Chan" said serafall
'So this is the current beelzebub' thought issei
"It's nice to officially meet you although I had hoped it would have been under better circumstances my name is ajuka beelzebub" Ajuka said as he reached his hand out towards issei
"Issei hyoudou" he replied as he took his hand and shook it
"Serafall talks a lot about you" he said
"She does?" Asked issei as he turned to serafall who had a blush on her face
"Yes but back to main topic. Loki we have only about 2 hours till he breaks free I teleported to a seal I have on the outskirts of the underworld and once he breaks free I don't doubt he's going to be angry" said ajuka
"I have an idea" said Odin as everyone turned to face him
" I apologize for this but I would like my son alive he may have broken laws by doing this but he is still my son I can contact Thor to send mjolnir to the area of the battle one hit from that will in prison Loki in our dungeon in Asgard" he explained
"The problem is no one here is powerful enough to wield it" said sirzechs
"I am" said issei as he raised his hand. Everyone looked at him shocked
"Oh come on you guys just heard I've trained with the hammer owner himself why so surprised he let me test it only thing is even in balance breaker it's a struggle to move it I doubt Loki will just stand there and let me hit him with it but in angelic overdrive I'll be able to do it no problem. But I would need a team with me to set up a powerful Barrier since the angelic overdrive leaks out too much energy" explained issei
"Hmm That sounds like a plan but I'd only be able to transport about 8 people there and would need to re charge so reinforcements will not be there" said Ajuka
"That's alright we'll be fine it'll be my peerage and I" said issei
"I will accompany you as well" said rossweisse
"Are you sure?" Asked issei
"Yes I can help you fight and I am one of the best Asgard has to offer when it comes to barriers" she replied
"I'm going to I can't just wait here while the love of my life could be getting hurt out there" said serafall with a determined look on her face
"Very well then I'll transport to a couple of yards away from the seal" Said Ajuka
"Odin sama how will it take for mjolnir to appear in the underworld?" Asked issei
" I will contact Thor right now and tell him it's an emergency but it will still take about 30 minutes for it to get here" he replied
"When facing a god 30 is a long time but I'll manage but you don't mind if I rough him up a bit do you?" Asked issei
"As long as he lives its okay by me" he replied.

Issei only nodded as he turned to his peerage
"So that's the plan girls you guys will set up a barrier while I deal with Loki everyone understand?" Said issei
"Hai issei sama" said the girls
"Well then let's make preparations for this battle so we can end this as quickly and peacefully as possible" said Odin everyone nodded as Odin and rossweisse walked away to get a hold of Thor. Issei turned to serafall
"Are you sure you want to go babe? It's going to be dangerous I don't want you getting hurt" he said
"I'll be fine remember I didn't get the tittle of leviathan just for fun love" she replied as she placed a hand on his cheek
"Right I'll be counting on you then" he smiled.

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