Chapter 20

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I do not own the pic above

My body went on autopilot, everything was dark. Sounds, my senses numb, I couldn't feel but the undeniable pain clouded my sights. My ears fill with screams pouring in my senses but it fell silent, no sound was heard after. Darkness remove from  my sight and what I saw I wish I could unsee, I saw the area around me burnt, no life left on the land. A tear fell from my eyes as I know Stella was there no one in sight I fell to my knees, pondering of what I had done.

My skin began to cool as I reach the ground, so that was my power hidden from me for years because of this look at what I'd done pain over took my form as tears flow down in a rhythm of not stopping soon, I didn't mind if it don't my physical pain wasn't enough.

The faint sound of coughing caught my ears I look to the direction relief over crowded me Stella stood coughing as I rush to her bringing her in my tight embrace. My mind scattered as I overlook her form no sign of fire touching her it brought even more relief as I pulled her in another hug.

She stood silent limply as if life less to my surprise tears were running down her face as she stared off in the nothingness, clouded as her pupils blank I started to freak out "Stella" I called her name panic took over as she didn't care to look at me. It broke me to see what I had caused "Stella..." I said once again my voice grated in hope of catching her attention.

She look in my eyes screaching for god knows what but I thought I knew until a smile cover her dirt covered face "That was awesome" she exclaimed in glee, her screamed was in a voice that held excitement. I stood dumbfounded looking at her seeing if this was the same person  just a second ago.

She stood up walking over the burnt spot with a smile still craved her face "damn he disappeared" she voiced out looking at the burnt area "guess you scared him off" with one more look she dust off the remaining ashes from her dress burnt up to her mid tights.

"Stella, but how" I try to find the words. I feel to break down the burning need to cry and hug her senseless "thats not to worry about now dear" she said looking towards the part way leading towards the house. I know what she was saying the vidible effort of my worry came full force on me as I rush through the ashes and Vixton played on my mind.

I race to the cabin the area clean of any harm relief came over me but something wasn't right the air felt drain the smell of death strong but it was salty to the taste, I didn't stop once even the raw cough behind me didn't seize my movement.

There sitting on the bed with his head resting on the frame held, a sting of fresh tears came over me Vixton his name a whisper coming from my lips. He didn't move he didn't have to the cast that cover over his body was half up, he was breathing hard frustration clear over his face.

I stood beside his bed, my body became weak as I got close, a fear came over me afraid to face him a fear of acknowledging what I caused. A stream of tears ran down my face, when did I became the cry baby I couldn't look up to face it I began to get up wanting to run but was gently tug. A soft cry escape my lips my body laying in his arms, in my baffled state he squeeze tight on my body his heavy breathing distracting but once I met his eyes the red glow at peace but its whats behind it got me baffled.

The love and adoration burn my skin as he gently squeeze my body even closer. His body was cold but in a nice way it burned my skin "Hi" he whisper glee filling his eyes a smile slowly spread over my lips. I touch his cheek with the palm of my hand gently bring his face closer, I know I surprise him with the innocent peck on his lips.

A sneaky smile spread over my lips I try hiding it by biting down.

"Good to see your alright" an exhausted voice was sounded Stella sat on the floor breathing heavy. I got up running towards her a surprise squeal came as I throw myself at her. Laughing lying on the floor,

Who might you be, my eyes turn to vixton totally forgeting he don't know who Stella is. The confuse look he gave us was reflected my guilty one.

Its been a few hours and I sat in the quiet hall, quickly giving Stella space as she explain things to Vixton as I gather my rattled thoughts.

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