What if we Drown (19)

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The room was a riot of regal colors

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The room was a riot of regal colors. Metallic fractals of light glittered upon the vinyl floors, bouncing from the balloons floating above, and the streamers moved rhythmically in the breeze, creating shapes and a blend of colors that tickled Ashlyn's heart.

She turned and held out a hand to Abel. With a look of puzzlement, he took her hand and stepped towards her. His legs buckled when he saw his living room, and Derek quickly caught his other arm. Held up between the two of them, Abel took in the display before him.

"I...I...wh..." Ashlyn squeezed his hand as Abel struggled to formulate any words. Abel turned watery eyes on her, and Ashlyn smiled back, everything she felt towards this man pouring into that one expression.

"Welcome home, Abel," Derek whispered, his voice catching. Abel let go of Ashlyn's hand and brushed the residue from his cheeks, before taking her hand firmly in his again. She watched as his eyes took it all in, her heart swelling with love.

"Did you do this?" Abel asked, looking from Derek to Ashlyn. She tilted her head from side to side, gesturing that they'd only played a part in the greater scheme.

"We had some help," Derek added.

Bumper gave an excited yap from the backyard, and someone made a shushing sound.

"Come on. There are some people who'd like to see you." Derek spoke with admiration.

Squeezing his hand once more, Ashlyn and Derek led him through the patio doors where the rest of the welcome party stood, party hats, and all. Abel's chuckle was wet as he descended the stairs and embraced Kass. Ashlyn's mother, Zion, and Marcus followed suit, lining up behind Kass to hug him too.

Ashlyn, however, stayed back and placed a hand on Derek's shoulder before he could walk away. Thank you, she signed, her eyes round, an open door to the depth of gratitude and appreciation that she felt for all that he had done.

His eyes shone with a returned appreciation, as he held up his index finger and drew a couple of circles: Always. He must have spent some time with Kass, or perhaps online, learning. She thought it was a sweet gesture.

Today had not been what she was expecting at all. None of this would have even been possible if it weren't for Derek wheedling his way into their lives. No gesture would ever be capable of encompassing just how deeply she appreciated him. Ashlyn hoped that her eyes would communicate even half of what she felt. The smile in his told her that they did.

"Let's get this party started!" Kass shouted, disrupting the moment when she skipped over to where Derek and Ashlyn stood, slipping party hats onto both of their heads. A chorus of cheers erupted, and Ashlyn laughed.

Kass promptly appointed duties to each person, and the group split. Zion and Marcus were put in charge of manning the BBQ and not burning the place down, with a glare thrown in for Marcus' benefit. Ashlyn's mother and Kass would be in the kitchen working on the salads, while Derek was responsible for getting the fire pit lit. When Kass' gaze settled on Abel and Ashlyn, she smiled.

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