What if we Drown (30)

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The following Sunday afternoon, Ashlyn had met Derek at his apartment and told him that she wanted to share with him her favorite pastime; the fresh fruit ice cream stall her father used to take her to every Sunday after Church

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The following Sunday afternoon, Ashlyn had met Derek at his apartment and told him that she wanted to share with him her favorite pastime; the fresh fruit ice cream stall her father used to take her to every Sunday after Church.

Giovanni's was busy for a Sunday, but the wait had been worth it when they were greeted with a warm smile and an extra scoop each, on the house. Anything for my best customer, Gio, the owner of the stall, had said. They'd promptly thanked him, leaving a generous tip, before stepping out from beneath the awning.

The June sun was high and beating down on them now as they strolled along Marine Parade enjoying fresh ice cream and the promises of summer. The berry and lemon sorbets created a refreshing explosion in her mouth, as Ashlyn grinned up at Derek waiting to gauge his reaction to the mango and coconut blend he'd asked for.

Giovanni produced some of the best ice-cream she'd ever tasted, and she'd been elated to find that he was still around when she had moved back to town. Even with age, he hadn't lost his charm or passion for icy treats, traits which it seemed he was passing on to his apprentice.

When his lips touched the ice cream indulging in that first taste, Derek's eyes closing for a moment as an expression of bliss. But a flash of a second later, he winced, his nose and eyes scrunching.

"Brainfreeze," he groaned, pressing his palm to his forehead. Ashlyn took another lick of her ice cream, hiding her amusement.

He took another lick, this time taking in much less, and turned to Ashlyn with a delighted smile.

"This is good. Really good," he moaned, to which Ashlyn nodded, her expression reflecting his as she took another heaping taste of hers.

The breeze was non-existent, her hair limp against her back and shoulders. She was saved for another day from the sticky tart that had previously acted as a second shampoo during these afternoon trips.

This was one of Ashlyn's favorite summer traditions, something which she'd made sure to start up again when she'd returned to Glassmont, another little piece of her father's memory.

They moved at a casual pace, their steps following the path that wrapped around the marine parade, and down towards the Bayview track that hugged the sandstone cliffs.

When the berry sorbet that topped the lemon in her cone had been consumed, Ashlyn's nose twitched at the tangy flavor that graced her tongue. She didn't miss the change in the direction of Derek's gaze when he looked to her ice cream from the corner of his eye, a look of curiosity passing over his face.

"You know, I've never tried lemon sorbet before," he mused, stepping in front of her and tossing her a wink.

Ashlyn shook her head, holding her hand out so that he couldn't reach it. She knew what he was trying to do, and she wasn't prepared to make it easy for him to attain. She owed him after the stunt he'd pulled with the tomato sauce.

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