What if we Drown (32)

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Ashlyn woke by a rough hand shaking her shoulders

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Ashlyn woke by a rough hand shaking her shoulders.

"Quick, get up. We overslept!" Kass exclaimed over her before something heavy fell on her face. A pillow.

Ashlyn groaned, and, squeezing her eyes shut, she rolled over. But the soft surface beneath her back promptly disappeared, and she fell through the empty air, a thud echoing as she hit the floor.

She bit her lip against the pain that shot through her knees, her vision hazy as she stared through groggy eyes at the room around her. She was in Kass's living room and still wearing yesterday's clothes. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Ashlyn tried to recall what had transpired the night before.

The smell of cookie dough and chocolate were at the forefront of her memories, followed by the distant sounds of laughter and oven alarms. The mess she could see in the kitchen was the last missing piece to her memories.

The night before, Kass, Marcus and herself, had been up until the early hours, baking an ensemble of cookies and slices for the bonfire. They had bathed in the midsummers night as the moon had cast its incandescent glow through the window where it twined with the warm summer light of the kitchen.

Jokes and laughter had abounded as Marcus kept them entertained, both with his stories and his baking skills. Ashlyn had particularly enjoyed watching the way he was around Kass, and her around him. There was definitely something brewing there, and she was all for it. Kass deserved all the good things.

A smile began to fill Ashlyn's cheeks with the recollections before she was momentarily blinded by the steady stream of sunlight as Kass drew the curtains. Her muttered groanings about them being late could only mean one thing. It was the fourth of July, and the beach was calling.

A brighter smile began to take form on Ashlyn's lips. The day had finally arrived.

What time is it? Ashlyn asked, stumbling towards the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee. After only managing a few hours of sleep, she needed the sustenance that only coffee could provide.

Kass glanced up from the baking she was transferring to a box and gawked, her eyes fixated on Ashlyn's stomach.

Ashlyn glanced down at what she was wearing and bit back a laugh. The top she wore was covered in stains from the previous night's antics. In her haste to get to Kass' the night before, she had forgotten to pack a change of clothes into her beach bag, and she had already exhausted all of the spare clothes she kept in Kass' apartment.

Kass brushed her hands on a dishcloth and handed Ashlyn a couple of boxes.

"You keep packing, and I'll find you something clean to wear." She smiled, her steps carrying her quickly to her bedroom.

As soon as Kass was out of sight, Ashlyn shoved a cookie into her mouth, the shortbread melting against her tongue. With her hand pressed against her mouth to suppress a moan, she began packing the rest into boxes.

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