What if we Drown (55)

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A familiar beep broke through the silence, and Ashlyn winced at the sound that fell upon her ears

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A familiar beep broke through the silence, and Ashlyn winced at the sound that fell upon her ears. Her eyelids fluttered, cracking to allow the light of day into the darkness she left behind. Her blinks were quick at first while she adjusted to the sunlight streaming through the window, the sky a stark contrast to the night from whence she'd come.

The window was closed, but as she watched the streak of ocean waver against the horizon, she could almost taste it lingering in the back of her throat.

Flashes of white wisps and mermaids tails, her father's grim expression, and the grey-blue tempest that she'd wrestled flickered behind her eyes, and her heart picked up its pace. The fog over her memories lifted, and with sudden clarity, the aches in her body and the sandpaper feeling at the back of her throat made sense.

What was I thinking? She raised her hand to her temple in an attempt to massage the memories and mortification away.

Her gaze roamed over the assembly of monitors and machines, and the steady drip of the IV hooked up to her hand, before lingering on the bouquet of daisies tied in brown paper on the bedside. Derek.

A tender smile claimed her lips and, careful not to disturb the cannula in her hand, she reached over to run her fingers through the flowers. Carefully, as not to damage the delicate petals, she pinched the stem of one of the flowers and rolled it between her fingers, watching pink bleed into white in a hypnotic twirl.

So beautiful. She gave a contented sigh, placing the daisy back on the table.

Suddenly, a deep exhale came from her other side, and the weight against the bed shifted.

Turning her head, she was surprised to see she wasn't alone. Lost in sleep, Derek laid against the bed, his head resting upon his arm. The peace that surrounded him and the steady rise and fall of his back with each breath caused her heart to swell.

Careful not to jostle him, Ashlyn rolled over and rested her head against the pillow so she could watch him sleep. Her fingers twitched at her side, and her gaze narrowed in on his hand, almost touching hers. Stretching her fingers towards his, she closed the distance between them and covered his hand with hers.

Feels like home, her heart whispered, and she couldn't help nodding in agreement.

Derek stirred, his hand turning beneath hers as he threaded their fingers. Holding her breath, Ashlyn watched as he lifted his head, groggy eyes finding hers. Love, fear, and relief chased one another across the lines in his forehead before plunging into the inviting waters of his eyes.

"Hey," he croaked, squeezing her hand.

'Hi,' she mouthed, her other hand reaching over to smooth the lines in his forehead. His eyes closed at her touch, his breath tickling her wrist with his exhale.

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