Attack of the Gingerbread Men

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Making gingerbread

In the shape of men

Is magic

Is danger

Is terrible when

They're cooked in an oven

Hotter than hell

And when they get out


They'll hunt you

They'll eat you

You'll be their dessert

And then

Cos they're naked

They'll try on your shirts!

I've just made this poem up on the spot in reply to a tweet by my very lovely friend Bella_Higgin

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I've just made this poem up on the spot in reply to a tweet by my very lovely friend Bella_Higgin. She'd baked 16 gingerbread men and they were overrunning her kitchen! It made me smile, so I thought I'd share it here. You can follow Bella, author of the spellbinding Bella Morte series, on twitter yourself. She's fun and fab. Her username is the same as her Wattpad one (Bella_Higgin).

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