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OCTOBER 11, 2017

"Hey Greer, did you hear the Stars are coming today?" Internally I'm groaning, the Stars visits always disrupt my schedule, but I put a smile on my face as I close my locker.

"Yeah! The kids will be so excited." Turning to face my co-worker, Jade I sling my pink stethoscope around my neck with one hand as the other clutches onto my venti cup of sanity. "What rooms do you have today?"

Jade rattles off her numbers while she ties her blonde hair up into a bun. My eyes flutter shut as I lean against the cold metal door of my locker just trying to wake up. It's day 3/3 for me and this 12-hour shift cannot go by fast enough.

As the clock strikes 0700 I retreat out onto the unit to find the night shift nurse who has taken care of my kiddos for the last 12 hours. Her name is Chelsea and we've handed off to one another for the past few days, so I know report will be quick. I find her holed up in a cubby looking exhausted, "Hey girl, how was your night?"

Fighting through a yawn she smiles pointing to the room adjacent from our spot, "A breeze. Max in 12 was an angel per usual, he is due for chemo today. Poor Baker in 15 did spike a fever about 2 am, I called Dr. Moss he's monitoring her but put her back on neutropenic precautions just to be safe."

I nod and write quickly noting that there will be no playroom for Miss Baker today. "Okay, and the last two?"

"Well you already know that Quinn in 13 is bouncing off the walls for the Stars to get here. Little guy has asked me all night when they're coming. But he is due for chemo at 11 so if he's not done when they get here he knows he can't go to the playroom. And then Ella in 14, she's going home. Moss said sometime this morning after rounds."

Only three kids if Ella goes home? Score. "Sounds great, thanks Chels. Have a good nap, are you back tonight?"

"Hell no, I'm leaving for Cabo in the morning." She laughs gathering her things and hopping down from the chair.

"Well lucky you, girl! Have a blast you, deserve it." I wave her off before pumping a few squirts of hand sanitizer in my hand. Rubbing the foam in I open the door of my first patient's room with my hip. Sneaking inside I'm greeted with a familiar smiling face.

"Mama look! It's Greer, she's back!" The smiley bald-headed little boy cheers from his bed wrapped in a Dallas Stars blanket and I am immediately in a better mood.

It's amazing how quick these tiny humans can change my attitude.

"Good morning, Quinn. How are you feeling today?" I ask reaching for the tiny blood pressure cuff hanging off the monitor on the wall.

Laying down Quinn squirms shrugging his shoulders under the thick blanket, his big blue eyes beaming up at me, "I'm okay, I gots chemo today. But Greer, did you know the Stars are comin' today?"

Oh, here we go I think to myself as his vitals populate on the screen. "I did know that, buddy. And I am going to try my very best to get you in to see them, okay?"

He nods his tiny head and I look over at his mom who is curled up in a recliner in the corner of the brightly painted room, "Good Morning, Meredith. Is there anything I can get for you this morning?"

"Oh, honey no I'm fine, thank you. But I am so glad you have us again today." My heart swells at her comment as I flash her a smile.

"You know I love taking care of this little guy, you couldn't keep me away!" I shoot her a wink looking back at over at Quinn. "Right, Q? Make sure you order a yummy breakfast and I'll be back with your medicine in a little bit."

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