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NURSES-ONLY - (Sophia💕/Jade👱🏻‍♀️/Greer💋)

Sophia: FAMILY MEETING. Brunch @ the James house tomorrow 11 am. Come hungry, do not be late. 💋

Jade: ?? seems suspicious but i'll be there 👀👀

Greer: umm okay? Do you need us to bring anything??

Sophia: just yourselves (boyfriends optional, husband will be in attendance)

Jade: v nervous for this but ok, see y'all in the AM 😅

"Well, that was weird." I comment clicking the screen on my iPhone black as Jamie plops back down on the sofa beside me. He hands me a new bottle of Bud Light with his blonde eyebrows risen in question, "What's up?"

"Soph just called for a family meeting tomorrow, the last time she did that she was engaged. Something big is happening."

Jamie hums and takes a long sip of his beer, "Am I supposed to go to this meeting?"

"Do you have anything better to do tomorrow at 11?" Jamie's shoulders sink as he takes another sip. The Stars season had come to an abrupt end last week in the second round of the playoffs and now he had way more free time on his hands than he'd care for in early May.

He huffs before he admits, "Nope, I sure don't."

"Babe," I reach out for his hand, "I didn't mean it like that, and you don't have to go if you don't want to go."

"I know, and I'll go. I'm actually beginning to think I might miss your friends when I leave."

Leave. Leave and go back to his family home in Canada, miles and hours away from me. He's not leaving for a few more weeks but that doesn't make it any less of a sore subject. Jamie squeezes my hand drawing me out of my dark thoughts and I force a smile back on my face, "They'll miss you too, J. They're your friends now, too."

He smiles and throws his long arm around my shoulder pulling my entire body into his side, "I know, now come cuddle me."

That next morning Jamie and I slept in, drank coffee in bed, and arrived at Sophia and Riley's house with rumbling stomachs and wondering minds. What could they be up to? Nothing had seemed off lately so I was truly unsure of the hidden meaning behind this family meeting. Soph welcomed us into their home after two knocks with welcoming arms. She quickly thrusted a mimosa into my hand and a bloody mary into Jamie's before herding us into the dining room where Jade and Drew were already seated. There were platters of breakfast foods, all of which smelled incredible, lining the length of the farmhouse style refurbished picnic table and boxes with our names on them placed at our assigned seats.

Once I saw the boxes my stomach fluttered. Could it be?

I sat down beside Jamie and across from Jade staring down at the white box with my name written across in gold lettering. As I racked my brain Jade jumped in, "Alright they're here, can you please tell us what the hell is going on?"

Sophia looked to her husband, they smiled at one another from opposite ends of the table before the brunette pointed to the boxes. "Your answers are right in front of you, go ahead."


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Forget Me Not {J. Oleksiak}Where stories live. Discover now