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"So, you're telling me you went over to his hotel room, told no one you were going, and all you did was talk?"

I can't help but scoff as Sophia questions my integrity and push my half-eaten scone away," Technically, I told Seth I was going. Not that that matters, but why is it so hard for you to believe that we just talked, Soph?"

She stirs the black straw around in her iced coffee, staring hard at the condensation dripping down the glasses' sides, "I guess I just expected fireworks. You two were so electric, and don't tell my husband but that man is hot. So yeah, I just thought you'd go jump his big 'ol bones and everything would work out from there."

What was this, some soap opera to her?

Picking up my mug I take a long sip of vanilla latte, "This isn't a romantic comedy, Sophie. It's going to take time for me to figure out what I want out of this. I didn't go over there just to hop in bed with him, even if he did look incredible."

"Oh please, G," Sophia rolls her eyes, "you know you want him. You always have, and you may hate that you feel that way after what happened but don't even try to hide it, babe."

Staring into the white foam on top of my latte my heart begins to race, it's been three days since I found myself in Jamie Oleksiak's hotel room listening to him pour his heart out. We had both laid our cards out on the table that night and now I was as confused as ever.

What did I want? What did he want? How do you even do this whole getting back with your ex thing?

"I loved him. No, I love him? I know that I do, but I'm just so freaking scared, Soph. He's left me before, what if he does it again? Or what if he gets traded again, that's obviously an option."

Sophia's face softens from her usual RBF, "G," she reaches out placing her hand softly on top of mine, "you are scared for entirely valid reasons, and no one can take those fears from you because you're the only one who lived your pain. But, I think that you have to try again, just see where it takes you.  You've both grown, and I really think that it was for the better."

My eyes sting at the corners, Sophia's right, I am the only one who knows why I'm so scared and yet so in love with him. "I should call him, maybe, if they're even in town. I've stopped following the schedule."

"Have you been talking? Y'know, since Saturday?"

I shake my head taking another sip of coffee, "No, I texted him when I got home that night. Then they had a game Sunday, and we haven't spoken since."

"Hmm, text him. Right now," Sophia's brown eyes bore into me until I give in and pick up my phone. I stare at Jamie's contact for a moment trying to fathom what to say. Should I invite him to dinner? Or just drinks? Over to my apartment?

"Jesus, Greer, give me your phone I'll do it." My brunette partner in crime reaches over snatching the iPhone straight out of my hand. My nails tap against the ceramic mug as she types away, when she slides the phone back over I'm pleasantly surprised with her simple compilation.

GREER: hey are you free for dinner?

"I expected something much more elaborate from you."

Sophia rolls her eyes, "Less is more, grasshopper."

Yeah, yeah, I think to myself taking a long sip from my mug as I await Jamie's reply. It doesn't take long, and I can't hide my smiles as I read the little blue bubble over and over.

JAMIE: Yes! I was thinking of asking you the same thing! I'll pick you up at 7, how does Nobu sound??

GREER: sounds perfect, I'll see you later!

Forget Me Not {J. Oleksiak}Where stories live. Discover now